SeeTestAutomation - FlickCoordinate
Please note that this tool is classified as a Legacy tool. We recommend transitioning to our updated solutions to maintain optimal performance and security in your workflows. For more information on this matter, please reach out to technical support .
void flickCoordinate(X, Y, Direction)
Flick the screen from X, Y in a given direction
X: Horizontal Coordinate in screen pixels (can use P2cx to convert screen percentage to pixels)
Y: Vertical Coordinate in screen pixels (can use P2cx to convert screen percentage to pixels)
Direction: Direction of the Flicking motion
In order to flick the screen you can add the command 'flick', provide the starting point and the direction.
As a visible aid, an arrow will be drawn on the reflection showing the flick motion.
Code Examples
Java Example
client.flickCoordinate(78, 286, "Up");
C# Example Expand source
client.FlickCoordinate(78, 286, "Up");
VBScript Example Expand source
client.FlickCoordinate 78, 286, "Up"
Python Example Expand source
self.client.flickCoordinate(78, 286, "Up")
Perl Example Expand source
$client->flickCoordinate(78, 286, "Up");