SeeTestAutomation- External Application LifeCycle Management Tools
Please note that this tool is classified as a Legacy tool. We recommend transitioning to our updated solutions to maintain optimal performance and security in your workflows. For more information on this matter, please reach out to technical support .
Testing takes an essential role in Application LifeCycle process.
As we understand the need to interface the process of testing with bug/issue management on one hand, and test results/coverage management on the other hand, SeeTest introduces interfaces with a variety of external Application LifeCycle Management tool.
In this section you can find the following:
- SeeTestAutomation- Connecting to External Tools
- SeeTestAutomation- Updating External Tool Entities
- SeeTestAutomation- Updating External Tool Entities - API
Two types of tools are supported:
- Bug Management Tools - update and create issues using SeeTest User Interface, or during automated test reporting.
- Test Management Tools - update test results using SeeTest User Interface, or during automated test reporting.