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SeeTestAutomation- Getting Started


Please note that this tool is classified as a Legacy tool. We recommend transitioning to our updated solutions to maintain optimal performance and security in your workflows. For more information on this matter, please reach out to technical support .

This section includes six detailed sessions:

  1. Creating Your First Test Script - By simply recording it.
  2. Understanding SeeTestAutomation's Recognition Methods - Use four basic methods to identify objects in your tests.
  3. Exporting and Externally Editing and Running Test Scripts - Use the SeeTestAutomation Plug-in with third-party frameworks like UFT.
  4. Using the 'In' Commands - Use one of four commands in order to perform an action on a specific Object using a reference Object.
  5. Locating Application Elements - Different ways to look for an Object in order to execute an action on it
  6. Running Test Scripts on Multiple Devices - Run the same script on different devices, even if the OS is different.
  7. Running Data Driven Tests - Run a test that uses data from an external CSV file.