Please note that this tool is classified as a Legacy tool. We recommend transitioning to our updated solutions to maintain optimal performance and security in your workflows. For more information on this matter, please reach out to technical support .
You can create or update External Tools Entities, such as test runs, bugs, and issues, using SeeTest User Interface dialogs.
Updating Entities from User Interface dialogs
- To connect to External Tools, See SeeTestAutomation- Connecting to External Tools
Updating Test Run Fields
Currently updating Test Runs from UI is only supported in SeeTest Manual.
Connect to the External Test Management Tool.
Add a device tab.
Perform your test on the device while the reporter is on.
Click on the "Update Test Run Status" button () in the device's report table.
Select a test run from the table, and fill in the fields you want to update:
Click OK.
A toast with the updated test run id is displayed.
Creating new Bugs\Issues
Once SeeTest is connected to an External Bug Management Tool, go to Tools > Report an Issue in the main menu.
Select project and Issue Type, and fill in the rest of the required fields. Fill in other fields if needed.
Click "Submit" to create the new issue.
A toast with the new Issue's key is displayed.