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SeeTest Automation can quickly and easily validate layouts on a mobile device.
Layout verification helps check that elements on the screen are properly displayed.
There are two parts to verifying layouts:
Defining layout verifications
Running a layout verification
Recommendations for Layout
Each layout validates a single screen at a single state.
- Before you start
Open the screen you would like to validate
Identify the elements that should be validated
- While defining a layout
Feel free to use the same element in more than 1 rule
make sure the relations in a rule cover what you expect
use the test button to check your definitions.
- After Defining a layout
- Run the SeeTest command Layout, to test your definitions.
Note: A layout is made of a collection of elements and the rules they need to match.
Each rule determines that a group of elements need to have a set of relations.
For Example:
The eribank log-in page verification can be as follow:
There are 4 logical elements:
Username field
Password field
Login button
With 2 rules:
the 4 elements match the relations:
the Username and Password fields match the relations:
aligned left
aligned right
have the same height
have the same width
Defining layout verifications
Step 1: Open a reflection and navigate to the target page to validate.
Step 2: Open the Properties dialog
Step 3: Open the layout dialog
Step 4: Create a layout by clicking the new layout icon,
Give the layout a name and save it.
Step 5: Add Elements to the layout (rename them if you like)
From the reflection: right click an element and click add to layout
From the properties dialog: right click an element (from table or tree) and click add to layout
From the layout dialog: click the icon for new element and write it's xpath manually
Step 6: Select elements and right click, select create rule.
Make sure all the elements you need are in the right side and that all relations you want are grayed (pined)
Step 7: Save the rule, by clicking OK.
Step 8: Save the layout
Step 9: Test the layout using the play button
Step 10: Add the layout to your script by clicking the add to script button.