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Workitem TreeMap Dashboard Panel

The Analytics Workitem TreeMap dashboard panel allows you to visualize work items ( backlog items, defects, testsets) across multiple dimensions simultaneously. A TreeMap is also referred to as a HeatMap.

Where to Find This Panel

This panel is available on any of the following Analytics dashboards:

  • Portfolio > Executive Dashboard
  • Program > Dashboard
  • Program > Product Owner Dashboard
  • Team > Dashboard
  • Team > Team Dashboard
  • Team > Quality Dashboard
  • Team > ScrumMaster Dashboard

If the panel is not visible, you can add it following the instructions in Adding a Panel to a Dashboard.


TreeMaps, or HeatMaps, allow you to view multiple dimensions of work items in a single visualization. The size, color and grouping of data is controlled using panel parameters.

Configuring the Panel

  1. To configure the panel, click on the gear icon Analytics Gear Icon at the top-right corner and click Edit.
  2. Choose from the panel parameters below.

Parameters for this panel may differ depending on the location of the dashboard.

Panel Parameter Descriptions

  • Portfolio Item: Shows work items in the selected portfolio item and all of it's children. The default option is "Blank" and shows all work items.
  • Team: Shows Team-specific data for the project or program. The default value is "All" or "Blank".
  • Sprint or Iteration: Shows data assigned to the sprint or iteration. The default value is "All".
  • Backlog Group: Shows work items in the selected backlog group. The default option is "All".
  • Backlog Goal or Objective: Shows work items assigned to the selected backlog goal. The default option is "All".
  • Workitem: Shows data for a specific work item type: All (all workitems), Backlog Items, Defects, or Testsets. The default option is "All".
  • Size: Shows the attribute to user when calculating the size of each box in the map. Valid values are Estimate, Detail Estimate, or ToDo.
  • Color: Determines which attribute to use to show the color of each box in the map. Valid values are Status, Priority, Estimate, Detail Estimate, and ToDo.
  • Group By: Shows results grouped by Type, Source, Priority (Default), or Status.
  • Defect State: Shows defects in any of the following Reporting Category states: All, Not Started, In Progress, Complete, or Not Complete.
ColorDetermines which attribute is used to determine the color of each box in the map.  Valid values are Status, Priority, Estimate, Detail Estimate, ToDo.Priority