Work Item Cycle Time Dashboard Panel
The Analytics Workitem Cycle Time dashboard panel indicates the average amount of time work items (stories, defects, and testsets) spend in a range of status values.
Where to Find This Panel
This panel is available on any of the following Analytics dashboards:
- Portfolio > Executive Dashboard
- Program > Product Owner Dashboard
- Team > Dashboard
- Team > Team Dashboard
- Team > Quality Dashboard
- Team > ScrumMaster Dashboard
If the panel is not visible, you can add it following the instructions in Adding a Panel to a Dashboard.
Each dot on the chart indicates the average number of days a group of work items spend in the defined cycle. In addition to average, a whisker plot indicates the range of days work items spend in the selected cycle. The X axis indicates how work items are grouped. Cycle time for an individual work item begins on the day that work item enters the defined status for Cycle Start or any status value between Cycle Start and Cycle End. Cycle time ends for an individual work item when it enters the defined status value for Cycle End, or any statue value greater than Cycle End. Work items that move in and out of the defined cycle accumulate time. For example, if a work item spends 5 days in cycle and is moved out and later is put back into the cycle for 3 days. The work items is considered to have a total cycle time of 8 days.
Configuring the Panel
- To configure the panel, click on the gear icon
at the top-right corner and click Edit.
- Choose from the panel parameters below.
Parameters for this panel may differ depending on the location of the dashboard.
Panel Parameter Descriptions
Portfolio Item: Shows work items in the selected portfolio item and all of it's children. The default option is "Blank" and shows all work items.
Team: Shows Team-specific data for the project or program. The default value is "All" or "Blank".
Sprint or Iteration: Shows data assigned to the sprint or iteration. The default value is "All".
Backlog Group: Shows work items in the selected backlog group. The default option is "All".
Backlog Goal or Objective: Shows work items assigned to the selected backlog goal. The default option is "All".
Workitem: Shows data for a specific work item type: All (all workitems), Backlog Items, Defects, or Testsets. The default option is "All".
State. Only displays work items in a specific state.
- All. Considers all backlog items regardless of state.
- Not Started. Only considers backlog items that do not have a status value or have a status value assigned to the "Not Started" reporting category.
- In Progress. Only considers backlog items that have a status value assigned to the "In Progress" reporting category. If you are not using reporting categories, "In Progress" is defined as any backlog item with a status value.
- Complete. Only considers backlog items that are closed or that have a status value assigned to the "Complete" reporting category.
- Not Complete. Only consider backlog items that are Not Started or In Progress.
Include Items After: Only displays work items that entered the cycle after the selected date.
Cycle Start. The work item status value that defines the beginning of the cycle.
Cycle End. The work item status value that defines the end of the cycle.
Group By: Shows results grouped by Type, Source, Priority (Default), or Status.