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Portfolio Item Responsiveness Dashboard Panel

The Analytics Portfolio Item Responsiveness dashboard panel trends the average amount of time Portfolio Items spend "In Progress".

Accessing this Panel

  1. Click the hamburger menu Hamburger iconAnalytics.
  2. Click on the Enterprise tab.
  3. If the panel is not visible, click the Add Panel button.
  4. In the Add Panels window, click the Add button for the panel and click Done. The panel should display on the dashboard.
  5. To configure the panel, click on the gear icon Analytics Gear Icon at the top-right corner and click Edit.


Each dot on the scatter plot represents the "average" amount of time all Portfolio Items Closed in the X-Axis time period spent in a Status Value assigned to the "In Progress" Reporting Category.

The "average" calculation can be one of the following:

  • Mean - The simple average.
  • Median - The vale that is half way through a set of values when arranged in ascending order.
  • Mode - the most common or most occurring value in a series. If a mean value cannot be determined, the Mean is used.

Panel Parameters

To configure the panel, click on the gear icon at the top-right corner and click Edit.

The following table describes each panel parameter.

IntervalThe period for grouping data.  Valid values are

- Monthly
- Quarterly
Aggregation MethodThe formula to use for calculating the "average".  Valid values are

- Median
- Mode
- Average
Number of years to considerThen number of previous years to be considered.1
TypeThe Type of Portfolio Item to considerAll