Backlog Goals or Objectives
This article provides an overview on Backlog Goald and Objectives.
A Backlog Goal or Objective is a system asset that contains groups of stories or backlog items that drive the direction of the project team.
It is a measurable target that specifies a business reason for doing development and drives the direction and priorities of the project team. They have a many-to-many relationship with workitems, to allow free association between stories, defects or even portfolio items to these assets.
Top-Down vs. Bottom-Up
Traditional management approaches use a top-down approach to derive lower level project backlog from goals defined at the higher level. When using a top-down approach you may specify projects that target each high level backlog goal, which enables you to track progress of related work items for a project and its sub projects.
The SAFe approach, which uses the term objectives, calls for objectives to first be defined at the team level within a program increment (PI) and then rolled up across teams to specify PI-level objectives. This approach uses objectives as a method to confirm common business understanding of the reasoning for developing a specific set of features and also assigns business value to each team-level objective to help track the individual and collective team performance over time using the Program Predictability Report. Terminology is automatically switched to 'objectives' for those who specify a SAFe setup during the startup wizard. System Administrators can always update terminology in an existing system as well.
System Administrators have the ability to switch the relationship back to the legacy backlog goal:backlog group instead of backlog goal:portfolio items that now defaults. To switch back, click the hamburger icon > Administration > Configuration > System page and look for the option under the Backlog Goal asset option.
Accessing Backlog Goals
The Backlog Goals or Objectives feature must first be enabled in order for it to display in the Product Planning menu.
To access Backlog Goals or Objectives, Click the hamburger icon > Product > Backlog Goals (or Objectives).
Related concepts
Managing Stories Backlog Items
Related tasks
Assigning Work Items to Backlog Goal or Objective
Closing and Reopening Backlog Goal Objective
Creating Backlog Goal or Objective
Editing Backlog Goal or Objective
Exporting Backlog Goal or Objective
Targeting Backlog Goal or Objective
Viewing and Editing Backlog Goal or Objective Details
Watching Backlog Goal or Objective
Configuring Terminology and Localization Options
Enabling or Disabling Features and Options for Enterprise and Ultimate Editions
Deleting Story or Backlog Item
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Moving Story or Backlog Item to Different Project
Recovering Deleted Story or Backlog Item
Using Tasks to Breakdown Stories Backlog Items
Managing Sprints or Iterations
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Using Templates to Create Reusable Portfolio Items Stories Backlog Items or Defects
Tracking Impediments with Issues
Using Requests to Capture User Feedback and Suggestions
Sprint or Iteration Scheduling