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SeeTestAutomation- Deleting Provision Profile


Please note that this tool is classified as a Legacy tool. We recommend transitioning to our updated solutions to maintain optimal performance and security in your workflows. For more information on this matter, please reach out to technical support .


  1. In the studio, go to Tools->iOS Sign Configuration. An iOS profile management window will open:

    2.choose a profile and click on 'Delete'


Deleting is required through user and root (superuser).


  1. Open terminal

  2. Type: cd ~/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning\ Profiles/ 

  3. Type 'ls' for displaying existing profiles.

  4. Type rm * for deleting all profiles.

  5. Deletes desired profiles.


  1. Open terminal
  2. Type: sudo su
  3. Type: cd ~/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning\ Profiles/ 
  4. Type 'ls' for displaying existing profiles.
  5. Type rm * for deleting all profiles.
  6. Restart cloudserver