SeeTestAutomation - Connect An Android Device Using a Google USB Driver
Please note that this tool is classified as a Legacy tool. We recommend transitioning to our updated solutions to maintain optimal performance and security in your workflows. For more information on this matter, please reach out to technical support .
In case you are not able to add your Android device and you have an exclamation mark in Windows 'Device Manager':
Step 1 - Uninstall the current driver
- Right-click on your Android device and choose 'Uninstall'
Step 2 - Download Google USB Driver
- Search "Google USB driver" - Google USB Driver
- Download the USB driver from android developer website
- Extract the zip file to a local folder
Step 3 - Update Driver Software
- Right-click on your Android device and choose 'Update Driver Software'
- Click on 'Browse my computer For driver software'
- Click on 'Let me pick from a list of device driver on my computer'
- Click on 'Show All Devices'
- Click on 'Have disk' and navigate to the USB driver folder (From Step 2)
- Choose the .inf file and click OK.
- Choose 'Android ADB Interface' And then click 'Yes'.
Step 4 - Adding the Android device
- Try to add your Android device again