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Version: 25.0

Moving Agility Core Servers

Instructions for installing Agility using an existing database transferred from another system.

Before You Begin

Refer to SQL Server Management Studio Documentation for instructions on perform these tasks:

  • Restore the database on the new system from a complete database backup obtained from the previous system.
  • Restore the Agility Analytics Meta-Data database on the new database server from a complete database backup obtained from the previous system.


  1. Run the Digital.aiAgilitysetup.exe program.
  2. Select Install a New Instance to create your new system.
  3. Name your new application.
  4. Follow the prompts to reach the database selection page
  5. Select Attach to Existing Database and select the database you restored.
  6. Select OK once the upgrade has completed.
  7. If you have a Customer License (.lic) file, copy it into the webserver (ApplicationName)\bin directory and remove the Trial license file.
  8. Run the Data Mart ETL program.
  9. If you configured SMTP you will need to reenter your SMTP server password.
  10. Update your Agility Core system to use the new Analytics URL.
  11. Verify the installation.

Do not use SQL Server’s ‘Copy Database…’ or other DTS-based db replication tasks, as they may not accurately replicate all database structures. In order to ensure the integrity of the database, you must use a full Backup (‘Backup type: Full’) and Restore.