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Version: 25.0

Analytics Setup Command Line

This topic explains the Analytics Setup Command Line in Agility. 

Use these commands to install Analytics from the command line.

Setup [action] [instance] [options]

Note that you need a colon between the argument and the value, like this:

...... -Quiet -Action:Install -InstanceDir:"c:\Program Files\VersionOne\VersionOne173 to VersionOne173-datamart" -EnterpriseDbServer:dnix\versiononesql ......

(default arg)Instance NameThis is the default argument for setup
-ActionInstall, Uninstall, Upgrade, Reload
Install is used to create and configure a new instance
Uninstall removes an instance and any artifact created during the install process.  Note, you may choose keep the database created by the installer.
Upgrade replaces the files and makes the necessary changes to take an instance to the next version.  There is additional information about this option below.
Reload updates labels in Analytics from the Terminology values defined in the Agility instance.  This option is only available from the commandline.
-LogFileFileName.txtdefault is "setup.log"
-Quiet(none)Suppress all wizard/confirmation UI; Will show error messages. Good for automated setups run by humans.
-VeryQuiet(none)Suppress all UI, including error messages. Good for full automation.
-AnalyticsDeleteDbtrue,falseRemove the Analytics meta-data database
Defaults to True
This option is only honored when the action is Uninstall
-WebDirInstallation PathDefault is <wwwroot>&lt;instance name="name"/></wwwroot>
This option is only honored when the action is Install
-DatamartDbServerSQL Server AddressThis option is only honored when the action is Install
-DatamartDbUserusernameSQL user for installation work. Omit for integrated auth.
This option is only honored when the action is Install
-DatamartDbPasswordpasswordSQL password for installation work. Omit for integrated auth.
This option is only honored when the action is Install
-DatamartDbNameDatabase nameSQL Database that ETL will load. Will be created if it doesn't exist.
This option is only honored when the action is Install
-AnalyticsDbServerSQL Server AddressThis option is only honored when the action is Install
-AnalyticsDbUserusernameSQL user for installation work. Omit for integrated auth.
This option is only honored when the action is Install
-AnalyticsDbPasswordpasswordSQL password for installation work. Omit for integrated auth.
This option is only honored when the action is Install
-AnalyticsDbNameDatabase nameSQL Database Analytics application data. Will be created if it doesn't exist.
This option is only honored when the action is Install
-WebSiteRootPathWeb sit identifierDirectory Services entry of the IIS Web Site to install to e.g. IIS://localhost/W3SVC/1/ROOT
This option is only honored when the action is Install
-WebAppUrl Public URL that clients
This option is only honored when the action is Install
-ApplicationDataPathPathSpecify the location for persisting cache data and other runtime configuration files.
This option is only honored when the action is Install
-CacheDataPathPathSpecify the location for persisting cache data.
Use this parameter if you want the data cache files in location different from other runtime configuration files.
This option is only honored when the action is Install
-EnterpriseUrlURLURL used to get back to the "owning" instance of Agility Ultimate, e.g. [http://v1webserver/VersionOne]
This option is only honored when the action is Install
MyAnalyticsDbUserusernameBy default the Analytics Setup program generates unique, application specific, database connection credentials during install and upgrade.  Some organizations prefer to specify, and manage, credentials rather than have Setup generate these credentials. 
Use this option, along with the other options that begin with "My", only when you want to specify and manage your own database connectivity credentials.
Specify the username Analytics should use when connecting to the Analtyics meta-data database.  When passing this parameter, you must also include -UseExistingUser:true
MyAnalyticsDbPasswordpasswordBy default the Analytics Setup program generates unique, application specific, database connection credentials during install and upgrade.  Some organizations prefer to specify, and manage, credentials rather than have Setup generate these credentials. 
Use this option, along with the other options that begin with "My", only when you want to specify and manage your own database connectivity credentials.
Specify the password for the username provided with MyAnalyticsDbUser.  When passing this parameter, you must also include -UseExistingUser:true
MyDatamartDbUserusernameBy default the Analytics Setup program generates unique, application specific, database connection credentials during install and upgrade.  Some organizations prefer to specify, and manage, credentials rather than have Setup generate these credentials. 
Use this option, along with the other options that begin with "My", only when you want to specify and manage your own database connectivity credentials.
Specify the username Analytics should use when connecting to the Data Mart database.  When passing this parameter, you must also include -UseExistingUser:true
MyDatamartDbPasswordpasswordBy default the Analytics Setup program generates unique, application specific, database connection credentials during install and upgrade.  Some organizations prefer to specify, and manage, credentials rather than have Setup generate these credentials. 
Use this option, along with the other options that begin with "My", only when you want to specify and manage your own database connectivity credentials.
Specify the password for the username provided with MyDatamartDbUser.  When passing this parameter, you must also include -UseExistingUser:true
-SmtpEnabledtrue/falseEnables or Disables SMTP Functionality.
This option is honored when the action is Install or Upgrade.  If it is not provided when upgrading, the value provided at the last install will be used.
-SmtpServerSMTP Server nameName of server hosting SMTP server.
This option is honored when the action is Install or Upgrade. If it is not provided when upgrading, the value provided at the last install will be used.
-SmtpPortnumericSMTP Server listen port. Defaults to 25.
This option is honored when the action is Install or Upgrade. If it is not provided when upgrading, the value provided at the last install will be used.
-SmtpConnectionTimeoutnumericSMTP Server connection timeout. Defaults to 30.
This option is honored when the action is Install or Upgrade. If it is not provided when upgrading, the value provided at the last install will be used.
-SmtpAuthenticationMethodNone, Logon, CramMD5SMTP Authentication Method. Defaults to None
This option is honored when the action is Install or Upgrade. If it is not provided when upgrading, the value provided at the last install will be used.
-SmtpAuthenticationUserusernameName of user for connecting to SMTP server.
This option is honored when the action is Install or Upgrade. If it is not provided when upgrading, the value provided at the last install will be used.
-SmtpAuthenticationPasswordpasswordPassword for SmtpAuthenticationUser.
This option is honored when the action is Install or Upgrade. If it is not provided when upgrading, the value provided at the last install will be used.
-SigningKeysecret wordThis is the Integration code for Analytics to talk to V1 core app.
-UseExistingUserbooleanBy default the Analytics Setup program generates unique, application specific, database connection credentials during install and upgrade.  Some organizations prefer to specify, and manage, credentials rather than have Setup generate these credentials. 
This option defaults to false if not provided.  Therefore, if you want Setup to manage the database connectivity credentials, do not include this option.
Only use this option, and set the value to true, when you want to specify, and manage, your own database connectivity credentials. 
The option must be included during install and upgrade.
If you do not include MyAnalyticsDbUser and MyAnalyticsDbPassword Setup will configure Analtyics to use Windows Integrated Authentication when connecting to the Analytics meta-data database.
If you do not include MyDatamartDbUser and MyDatamartDbPassword Setup will configure Analtyics to use Windows Integrated Authentication when connecting to the data mart database.
When configured to use Windows Integrated Authentication, you must either grant the application pool permission to access the databases or manually configure the application pool with the credentials you intent to use.

Note on using the Upgrade action.

Except for the SMTP configuration, the Upgrade action cannot be used to move or reconfigure an instance. Upgrade can be used to re-configure the SMTP options. If you need to move the instance or re-configure something besides SMTP, you will need to Uninstall the instance and then Install with the new options. Remember to keep the databases when uninstalling and to backup any user configuration files in

C:/ProgramData/VersionOne/Analytics/InstanceData/{instance name}/LogiInfoBookmarkLocation 


C:/ProgramData/VersionOne/Analytics/InstanceData/{instance name}/LogiInfoDashboards