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SeeTestAutomation- Using Mobile Listeners In Perl


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AddMobileListener (type, element, packageName, subroutineName)


This feature allows to handle an unexpected UI interrupts without compromising the test execution speed.

Once a MobileListener is registered, it would be notified about any relevant event and an action may be taken by the client.


  • type: method of detecting the element
  • element: element to detect
  • packageName: name of the package where the handler subroutine located
  • subroutineName: name of the subroutine to call

Return value:

Whether recovered or not.

  • true (return 1)
  • false (return 0)

Adding listener:

$client->addMobileListener("NATIVE", "xpath=//*[\@hint='Username']", "TestListener", "recover");

Removing listener (calling without the last 2 parameters and disabling the mobile listener):

$client->addMobileListener("NATIVE", "xpath=//*[\@hint='Username']");

Mobile Listener implementation example:

package TestListener;

require ExperitestClient;

sub recover {
($self, $type, $xpath) = @_;

my $client = $self->{CLIENT};
$client->elementSendText("NATIVE", "hint=Username", 0, "company");

return 1;