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Version: 25.0

Portfolio Item Cumulative Flow by Status Report

The Portfolio Item Cumulative Flow by Status report shows the progress of portfolio items across Portfolio Kanban boards for a specific period of time. Portfolio item progress is broken down by status and creates a "burnup" chart as they move through the process.

Use this report to track the flow of the portfolio items through the defined process.

Accessing This Report

You can access this report in two ways:

  • Click the hamburger menu Hamburger iconReportsAll Reports.. In the Project/Release Reports section, click Portfolio Item Cumulative Flow by Status, or
  • Click the hamburger menu Hamburger iconPortfolio > Portfolio Kanban. Click the hamburger menu Hamburger iconReports and click Portfolio Item Cumulative Flow by Status in the On This Page section.


All Agility trend reports require at least two data points. If not enough data is available, the report may be blank. Depending on the duration you select in the filters, at least one complete period of data must be available to draw a trend line. When selecting days, this means that the minimum duration is actually 2 days, which will include 2 data points.

Your Show Weekend report settings may affect how much data is selected. For example, if you choose two days as duration and one day is a Saturday or Sunday, and you have elected to not Show Weekends, then you may not have sufficient data to show a trend.

Report Filters or Parameters

  • Start Date: Portfolio Items that were completed prior to this date are not considered in the report.

  • Interval: The period of time between data points on the X-Axis

  • Strategic Theme: Only consider Portfolio Items that are part of the selected Strategic Theme.

  • Portfolio Item: Only consider Portfolio Items that are children of the selected portfolio. The default option is "Blank" and shows all work items.

  • Portfolio Item Type: Only consider Portfolio Items that are of the selected portfolio type. The default option is "All" and shows all portfolio item types.

  • Aggregation Type: Determines how the data is aggregated. Valid values are:

    • Portfolio Item Count - Count of Portfolio Item
    • Business Value Scale - The sum of the Business Value attribute on the Portfolio Items being considered.

Technical Details

The Portfolio Item Cumulative Flow by Status report considers “tracked” Portfolio Items in the current Project or Program context. A “tracked” Portfolio Item, is a Portfolio Item in the selected Project or Program that has no parent in the same Project or Program. These are the Portfolio Items you see on the Portfolio Kanban and at the top level of the Portfolio Tree.

The X-axis on the chart is time and the Y-axis depends on the aggregation type selected. Each color band in the chart represents a status value. Refer the legend at the bottom of the chart to determine the status value represented by each color. Hovering on a data point shows the Y-axis values for each status value.

There are buttons in the title bar of the chart that allow you to Print or export the chart to PDF.

The icon in the top right of the chart, has options for exporting the chart to a PNG, or the underlying data to CSV or XLS.

Type Filter

The Type filter is used to determine what type of tracked Portfolio Items are considered. The ALL selection, ignores type when selecting tracked Portfolio Items. When a specific type is selected, the results are “tracked” Portfolio Items of that type in the current Project or Program context.

Here’s an example to explain that in more detail. Consider the following Portfolio Item hierarchy.

When the Portfolio Item Cumulative is filtered to “ALL”, only Epics 1, 2, and 3 are considered because they are the “tracked” Epics in this context.

  • If we set the Type filter to Epic, the same 3 Portfolio Items would be considered.
  • If we set the Type filter to Capability, then only Capability 1A, 2A, 2B, and 2C would be considered.
  • If we set the Type filter to Feature, only Feature 1A1, 1A2, and 2A1 would be considered.


However, if Epic 3 were a Feature

Then the ALL filter would consider Epics 1 and 2 along with Epic 3 (which is a Feature in this example)

  • A Type filter of Epic would only consider Epic 1 and 2
  • A Type filter of Feature would consider Feature 1A1, 1A2, and 2A1 and Epic 3

If a Capability 2B had children that were also Capabilities,

Those 2 Capabilities would never be consider in this context, regardless of filter, because they have a parent of the same type in the same context

Additional Options

  • Printing a report
  • Saving a report to PDF
  • Exporting or Saving a report to Excel, CSV, or PNG

Rollup Category Status Values

Portfolio Item Overview

Managing Stories Backlog Items

Working with Defects

Understanding Release Scheduling Progress Bars