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Version: 25.0

Applying Filters to a Portfolio Tree

This topic explains how to apply filters to a Portfolio Tree.


To limit the rows displayed in the Portfolio Tree, you can use filters to narrow the focus of active portfolio items. The following table describes the available Portfolio Item filters.

Portfolio Items filter

OwnerReturn Portfolio Items Owned by the selected Member(s)
Portfolio ItemReturn the selected Portfolio Item(s) and all child Portfolio Items
Portfolio Item RootReturn only those Portfolio Items in context that are children of the selected Portfolio Item. Unlike the Portfolio Item filter, when using this option the parent Portfolio Item is not returned.
Reporting CategoryReturn Portfolio Items in the selected Reporting Category
StatusReturn Portfolio Items in the selected Status value
Strategic ThemeReturn Portfolio Items in the selected Strategic Theme(s)
TagsReturn Portfolio Items tagged with the specified Tag(s)
Target TeamReturn Portfolio Items who's Target Team attribute is set to the selected Team
TeamsReturn Portfolio Items who's Team attribute contains the selected Team
TypeReturn Portfolio Items of the specified Type
Include Closed ItemsInclude Closed Portfolio Items that meet the specified filter
Show Backlog ItemsShow the Backlog Items under each Portfolio Item
Single LevelIgnore the Portfolio Item hierarchy and only consider Tracked Portfolio Items in the selected context. This filter is not the same as the "Single Level" Planning Level filter, which limits results to the selected Planning Level. This filter considers the entire Planning level hierarchy and limits results to Portfolio Items in context with out a parent in context.
More FiltersAdditional filter options on select Portfolio Item attributes.
  • For each Portfolio Item, click the plus icon to view the child Portfolio Items, or Backlog Items when Show Backlog Items is enabled.
  • "Tracked Portfolio Items" are those Portfolio Items in the selected Planning Level context that do not have a parent in the same context. These Portfolio Items are the top level Portfolio Items visible when in the Portfolio Tree when no filters are applied

Understanding How Filters are Applied to Portfolio Item Trees

In a classic Portfolio Item Tree, filters are applied to backlog items and portfolio items. The classic Portfolio Item Tree uses Down to Top filtering approach, for example, if a story or defect in the work item hierarchy matches the applied filters, it's portfolio item ancestry will be displayed.

The Portfolio Item filter will display all the Portfolio Items that have that Portfolio Item in its ancestry.

In the current Portfolio Item Tree, filters are applied only to portfolio items. The current Portfolio Item Tree uses Top to Bottom filtering approach, the Portfolio Item Root filter will show all Portfolio Items that have that Portfolio Item in it's ancestry.

Filtering Behavior Present in Both Versions

If an epic in the work item hierarchy matches the applied filters and some portfolio item in its ancestry matches the applied filters, it’s entire ancestry will be displayed.

The following images display the Single Level mode in action. Note, Single Level is not a filter, it is a filtering mode and changes how other applied filters work.

Portfolio Items without any filters.

Portfolio Items which has type = Capability.

Portfolio Items with Single Level filtering mode and type = Capability.


  1. Click the hamburger icon Hamburger icon > Portfolio > Planning > Portfolio Tree.
  2. Click or start typing in the filter field, and then select the any of the filter options.
  3. Repeat the previous step to apply more filters, and then click Apply when done.

The More Filters will display ONLY what matches that filter explicitly. The predefined ones will show the children of all the parents that match that filter.

Clearing Filters

To clear a single filter:

  • Click on the - symbol next to the name of the filter.

To remove all filters that have been applied and restore the default settings:

  • Click Clear All Filters in the top right corner of the page

Using the Portfolio Tree

Using Filters in Agility


Strategic Themes Overview

List Type Administration (Drop-down Lists)

Portfolio Kanban Board