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SeeTestAutomation- GetVisualDump


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String GetVisualDump(String type)


This command will return a String which contains the XML with all the dump (object spy) properties of the screen.


  • String type: User can get the dump on there flection in the following different types:

    • Non-instrumented.
    • Native (of native instrumented applications).
    • Web (of hybrid applications or web sites).
    • Web:[custom root for dump]

    Note: If type of dump is not supported on the current page - empty xml will be retrieved.


This command will get the structure of a page displayed on the device to analyze later by parsing the xml.


On the following example we will show the use of the command to pull the non-instrumented dump of the springboard of the device.

Device should be iOS7 and higher and non-instrumented mode should be enabled)

Reflection of the device:

Run the getVisualDump command with the type 'Non-instrumened'.

The result of the command on the console is:

Non-instrumented dump is retrieved.


On the following example we will show the use of the command to pull the  dump of native instrumented application. In this case we will use the demo application of Eribank.

We will launch the application on the device:

Run the getVisualDump command with the type ’Native’.

The result of the command on the console is:

Native dump is retrieved.


On the following example we will show the use of the command to pull the  web dump of hybrid instrumented application.

In this case we will use the demo application of Eribank which has hybrid parts in it.

We will launch the app and navigate to an hybrid page, which contains the Native as well as Web object.

Run the getVisualDump command with type 'Web'.

The result of the command on the console is:

Web dump is retrieved (Note that native is not retrieved)

Web - partial dump with custom root 

On web pages with big and complex UI hierarchy tree, sometimes the web dump for the whole page is unnecessary. If different sub-trees can be identified, this command supports getting only a part of the web dump.


web:<identification method>=<value>

Code example:

Java Example

String partial_web_dump = client.getVisualDump("web:id=some_element_id");

Where "identification method" is one of the following:

  1. id

  2. class

  3. name


While 'id' is expected to be unique (by HTML/Javascript), 'class' and 'name' can appear on multiple elements. In case there are multiple matching elements, the first matching element will be used.

Code Examples

Java Example

String str0 = client.getVisualDump("Native");

C# Example Expand source

string str0 = client.GetVisualDump("Native");

VBScript Example Expand source

str0 = client.GetVisualDump ( "Native" )

Python Example Expand source

var0 = self.client.getVisualDump("Native")

Perl Example Expand source

my $str0 = $client->getVisualDump("Native");