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SeeTestAutomation- GetPickerValues


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GetPickerValues(Zone, PickerElement, Index, WheelIndex)


This is supported in iOS only.


Get all values from picker element. 


Zone - Select Zone.
PickerElement - Select the picker Element.
Index - Element index.
WheelIndex - Wheel index. 


Scenario: We want to verify that some picker element contains all the values that its should.

  1. First we will identify the picker element using the object spy, the picker element needs to contain the word "Picker" in the 'class' property (can be found also it the 'knownSuperClass' property).
    In our example the value is "UIAPicker". 

  2. Now we need to select the wheel index (begins at 0), in our example we have 2 wheels: the first wheel contains a list of  names and the second wheel contains a list of numbers.
    we will choose the first wheel, therefore the 'WheelIndex' parameter is 0.

  3.  Now we will execute the command, the result is a string array which contains all the names in the picker from the first wheel.
    Result = John Appleseed; Chris Armstrong; Serena Auroux; Susan Bean; Luis Becerra; Kate Bell; Alain Briere.

Code Examples

Java Example

String[] strArray0 = client.getPickerValues("NATIVE", "xpath=//*[@class='UIAPicker']", 0, 0);