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SeeTestAutomation - GetDevicesInformation


Please note that this tool is classified as a Legacy tool. We recommend transitioning to our updated solutions to maintain optimal performance and security in your workflows. For more information on this matter, please reach out to technical support .



Returns a string in XML format containing all the device's information. These properties can be used in order to identify the device when using the WaitForDevice  command.



The command can be used on both devices connected locally and devices connected using SeeTest Cloud.


No parameters on command.

XML Example

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><devices>
<device added="true" agent="-1" audio="false" buildnumber="2.0" category="TABLET" location="" manufacture="apple" model="ipad air 2" modelname="ipad air 2" name="iPad air 2" os="ios" remote="true" reservedtoyou="false" serialnumber="8027ba48455b91179ba0a0a0a75841974a0b" used="true" version="11.0.2" versionnumber="11.0"/>
<device added="true" agent="-1" audio="false" buildnumber="1.0" category="TABLET" location="" manufacture="htc" model="nexus 9" modelname="nexus 9" name="htc Nexus 9" os="android" remote="true" reservedtoyou="true" serialnumber="hw045tv051h5" used="true" version="7.1.1" versionnumber="7.1"/>
<device added="true" agent="8889" audio="false" buildnumber="1.0" category="PHONE" host="" manufacture="apple" model="iphone se" modelname="iphone se" name="iPhone 5s B0096" os="ios" remote="false" serialnumber="27df70f36b7e6c64a448f69e663b7661d6a2e316" used="true" version="11.3.1" versionnumber="11.3"/>
<device added="false" agent="-1" audio="false" buildnumber="4.0" category="TABLET" dhmexteranlhost="" dhmexternalport="8080" dhminternalhost="" dhminternalport="8080" dhmlocation="local" dhmname="" emulator="false" manufacture="samsung" model="sm-t560" modelname="galaxy tab e 9.6" name="samsung SM-T560" os="android" remote="true" reservedtoyou="false" serialnumber="0803aa5313c0b135" status="unreserved online" used="true" version="4.4.4" versionnumber="4.4"/>

XML Attributes


Note:   Properties for each of the XML's device nodes will vary in accordance with the device.

Attribute nameTypeDescription
addedstringTrue if device was added to device manager
agentintAgent port number or -1 if not available
audiostringAudio support (false\true values)
buildnumberdoubleNumber of OS's build
categorystringDevice type (phone, tablet, etc.)
hoststringThe host of the device
locationstringAgent location
manufacturestringManufacturer name
modelstringModel identifier
modelnamestringModel name
namestringDevice name
osstringOperating system of device
remotestringRemote or local device
reservedtoyoustringIs device currently reserved to user
screensizestringScreen size
serialnumberstringDevice's Serialnumber
statusstringCurrent status of device

(unreserved offline, unreserved online, reserved online, etc.)
usedstringtrue if device is currently taken
versionstringDevice full operating system version (build number inclusive)
versionnumberdoubleDevice full operating system version (build number exclusive)
emulatorstringTrue if device is emulator
<br/><br/> dhmexteranlhost <br/><br/>stringDevice Host Machine's external host
<br/><br/> dhmexternalport<br/><br/>stringDevice Host Machine's external port
<br/><br/> dhminternalhost<br/><br/>stringDevice Host Machine's internal host
<br/><br/> dhminternalport<br/><br/>stringDevice Host Machine's internal port
<br/><br/> dhmlocation<br/><br/>stringLocation of host machine (e.g. local)
<br/><br/> dhmname<br/><br/>stringDevice Host Machine's name

Code Examples

Java Example Expand source

String str0 = client.getDevicesInformation();

C# Example Expand source

string str0 = client.GetDevicesInformation();

VBScript Example Expand source

str0 = client.GetDevicesInformation (  )

Python Example Expand source

var0 = self.client.getDevicesInformation()

Perl Example Expand source

my $str0 = $client->getDevicesInformation();