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Build Projects are a collection of Build Runs. This table contains Type 1 data for Build Project information.

Table Description

Column NameDescriptionDatatype
BuildProjectKeyDatamart unique identifier for the Build Projectint
BuildProjectOidVersionOne identifier for this Build Projectint
BuildProjectNameBuild Project Namenvarchar
BuildProjectReferenceName of the Build Project as it's known in the CI Servernvarchar
BuildProjectCreateDateUTCUTC Date the Build Project was createddatetime
BuildProjectLastModifiedDateUTCUTC Date the Build Project was last modifieddatetime
BuildProjectCreateByKeyForeign Key to Dim.Member for the person who created this build projectint
BuildProjectLastModifiedByKeyForeign Key to Dim.Member for the person who last modified this build projectint
BuildProjectCreateDateKeyForeign Key to Dim.Date for the Create Dateint
BuildProjectLastModifiedDateKeyForeign Key to Dim.Date for the Last Modified Dateint