All Strategic Themes in Agility have an attribute called Level. This is a single select list used to indicate the organizational level for the Strategic Theme (Portfolio, Program). This table contains Type 1 data for the Strategic Theme Level values defined in your instance.
Table Description
Column Name | Description | DataType |
StrategicThemeKey | Data Mart unique identifier for this Strategic Theme | int |
StrategicThemeOid | Unique identifier for this Strategic Theme | int |
StrategicThemeName | Name | nvarchar |
StrategicThemeDisplayId | Identifier seen in the grids | varchar |
StrategicThemeProjectKey | Foreign key into Dim.Project for the project containing this Strategic Theme | int |
StrategicThemeProjectName | Name of the project containing this Strategic Theme | nvarchar |
StrategicThemeLevel | Strategic Theme Level Attribute Value | nvarchar |
StrategicThemeAssetState | Indicates the Strategic Theme State (Open/Closed) | varchar |
StrategicThemeCreatedByName | Full Name of the member who created this Strategic Theme | nvarchar |
StrategicThemeLastModifiedByName | Full Name of the member who last modified this Strategic Theme | nvarchar |
StrategicThemeCreateDateUTC | Create date for Strategic Theme UTC | datetime |
StrategicThemeLastModifiedDateUTC | Modify date for Strategic Theme UTC | datetime |
StrategicThemeCreateByKey | Foreign Key to Dim.Member that created this Strategic Theme | int |
StrategicThemeLastModifiedByKey | Foreign Key to Dim.Member that last modified this Strategic Theme | int |
StrategicThemeCreateDateKey | Foreign Key to Dim.Date for the Create Date | int |
StrategicThemeLastModifiedDateKey | Foreign Key to Dim.Date for the Last Modified Date | int |