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Version: 24.3


Primary Workitem is a generic term used when referring to Stories, Defects, and TestSets. This table contains Type 1 data for Primary Workitems defined in your instance. It will also contain columns for Custom Drop-downs and Custom Booleans defined on these assets in .

Table Description

Column NameDescriptionDatatype
PrimaryWorkitemKeyDatamart unique identifier for this Primary Workitemint
PrimaryWorkitemOidVersionOne identifier for this Primary Workitemint
PrimaryWorkitemNamePrimary Workitem namenvarchar
PrimaryWorkitemDisplayIdPrimary Workitem identifier visible in VersionOne gridsvarchar
PrimaryWorkitemTypeType of Primary Workitem (Story or Defect)varchar
PrimaryWorkitemPlannedEstimatePlanned Estimate value for this Primary Workitemreal
PrimaryWorkitemReferenceReference value for this Primary Workitemnvarchar
PrimaryWorkitemRequestedByRequested By value for this Primary Workitemnvarchar
PrimaryWorkitemBuildBuild value when Primary Workitem is a Storynvarchar
PrimaryWorkitemEnvironmentEnvironment value when this Primary Workitem is a Defectnvarchar
PrimaryWorkitemFoundInBuildFound in Build value when Primary Workitem is a Defectnvarchar
PrimaryWorkitemFoundInVersionFound in Version value when Primary Workitem is a Defectnvarchar
PrimaryWorkitemFoundByFound By value when Primary Workitem is a Defectnvarchar
PrimaryWorkitemResolvedInBuildResolved in Build value when Primary Workitem is a Defectnvarchar
PrimaryWorkitemSplitFromKeyForeign Key to this table for the Primary Workitem this workitem was split fromint
PrimaryWorkitemSplitFromDisplayIDDisplay ID of the Primary Workitem that was split to create this Primary Workitemvarchar
PrimaryWorkitemSplitFromNameName of the Primary Workitem that was split to create this Primary Workitemnvarchar
PrimaryWorkitemAssetStatePrimary Workitem Asset Statevarchar
PrimaryWorkitemOrderPrimary Workitem Order in a listint
PrimaryWorkitemTeamNameName of the Team assigned to this Primary Workitemnvarchar
PrimaryWorkitemThemeNameName of the Theme for this Primary Workitemnvarchar
PrimaryWorkitemSourceNameSource value for this Primary Workitemnvarchar
PrimaryWorkitemPriorityNamePriority value for this Primary Workitemnvarchar
PrimaryWorkitemStatusNameStatus value for this Primary Workitemnvarchar
PrimaryWorkitemIterationNameName of the Iteration for this Primary Workitemnvarchar
PrimaryWorkitemProjectNameName of the Project containing this Primary Workitemnvarchar
PrimaryWorkitemCustomerNameName of the Custom Field for this Primary Workitemnvarchar
PrimaryWorkitemRiskNameRisk/Complexity value for this Primary Workitemnvarchar
PrimaryWorkitemEpicNameName of the Epic if this Primary Workitem is part of an Epicnvarchar
PrimaryWorkitemDefectTypeNameType value when the Primary Workitem is a Defectnvarchar
PrimaryWorkitemStoryTypeNameType value when the Primary Workitem is a Storynvarchar
PrimaryWorkitemVerifiedByNameVerified By value when the Primary Workitem is a Defectnvarchar
PrimaryWorkitemResolutionNameResolution value when the Primary Workitem is a Defectnvarchar
PrimaryWorkitemRegressionSuiteNameRegression Suite value when the Primary Workitem is a TestSetnvarchar
PrimaryWorkitemEnvironmentNameEnvironment value when the Primary Workitem is a TestSetnvarchar
PrimaryWorkitemClassOfServiceClass Of Service value for this Primary Workitemnvarchar
PrimaryWorkitemDoneDateComplete Date in the UI, set when the Primary Workitem enters a status assigned to the Completed Reporting Category. Updated only once.datetime
PrimaryWorkitemDoneDateKeyForeign Key to Dim.Date for the Primary Workitem Done Dateint
PrimaryWorkitemClosedDateUTCThe UTC date and time this Primary Workitem was Closed/Archiveddatetime
PrimaryWorkitemClosedDateKeyForeign Key to Dim.Date for the Closed Dateint
PrimaryWorkitemClosedByIDForeign Key to the Dim.Member that closed this Primary Workitemint
PrimaryWorkitemClosedByNameThe name of the Member that closed this Primary Workitemnvarchar
PrimaryWorkitemEstimateEstimate value for this Primary Workitemreal
PrimaryWorkitemCreatedByNameFull Name of the Member who created this Primary Workitemnvarchar
PrimaryWorkitemLastModifiedByNameFull Name of the Member who last modified this Primary Workitemnvarchar
PrimaryWorkitemCreateDateUTCUTC Date the Primary Workitem was createddatetime
PrimaryWorkitemLastModifiedDateUTCUTC Date the Primary Workitem was last modifieddatetime
PrimaryWorkitemCreatedByKeyForeign Key to the Member who created this Primary Workitemint
PrimaryWorkitemLastModifiedByKeyForeign Key to the Member who last modified this Primary Workitemint
PrimaryWorkitemCreateDateKeyForeign Key to Dim.Date for the Create Dateint
PrimaryWorkitemLastModifiedDateKeyForeign Key to Dim.Date for the Last Modified Dateint