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Version: 24.3


This topic explains the list of internal tables used for operations in Agility.


The following tables are documented for completeness. They are used internally and therefore subject to change at any time without notice. They should not be used in custom reporting.

  • Config.NumberPattern - used by the ETL when creating IDs.
  • dbo.SystemConfig - ETL configuration information.
  • Meta.ETLActivityLog - Record of ETL execution
  • Meta.TableInfo - Information about the database structure.


The following views are created by the ETL for use in Analytics. These views are subject to change without notice.

  • Dim.EpicView - a view of Dim.Epic used in Custom Reporting.
  • Dim.MyProjects - a view of Dim.Project used in Custom Reporting.
  • Dim.ThemeView - a view of Dim.Theme used in Custom Reporting.
  • Dim.TrackedEpicView - a view of Dim.Epic used by the Epic Analytic Grid. This view only shows Tracked Epics (Top level Epics in a project)
  • Fact.DefectView - a view of Fact.PrimaryWorkitem used by the Defect Analytic grid.
  • Fact.EffortView - a view of Fact.Effort used by the Effort Analytic grid.
  • Fact.EpicDaysInView - a view of Fact.EpicDaysIn used in Custom Reporting
  • Fact.EpicView - a view of Dim.Epic used by the Epic Analytic Grid. This view only shows all Epics.
  • Fact.PrimaryWorkitemDaysInView - a view of Fact.PrimaryWorkitemDaysIn used in Custom Reporting
  • Fact.StoryView - a view of Fact.PrimaryWorkitem used by the Story Analytic grid.
  • Fact.TaskView - a view Fact.Test used by the Task Analytic Grid.
  • Fact.TestSetView - a view of Fact.PrimaryWorkitem used by the TestSet Analytic grid.
  • Fact.TestView - a view of Fact.Workitem used by the Test Analytic grid.