Dimension Tables
This topic explains how the dimension table is used in Agility.
In a star schema, dimensions are used to analyze and classify the data contained in the fact tables. Dimension tables are classified into several different types. In the Digital.ai Agility datamart, all Dimension tables are in a database namespace (schema) known as "Dim". The following dimensions are available in the Agility datamart schema.
- Asset State
- Asset Type
- Boolean Attribute
- Build Project
- Build Source
- Build Status
- Dim.ClassOfService
- Custom Fields
- Date
- Defect Resolution
- Defect Type
- Environment
- Epic
- EpicPriority
- EpicStatus
- EpicType
- Epic Test
- Goals
- Issue
- Issue Category
- Issue Priority
- Issue Resolution
- Iteration
- Member
- Member Group
- Primary Workitem (Story and Defect)
- Program
- Project
- Project Planning Level
- Regression Plan
- Regression Suite
- Regression Test
- Regression Test Status
- Request
- Request Category
- Request Priority
- Request Resolution
- Request Status
- Secondary Workitem (Task and Test)
- Story Risk
- Story Type
- Strategic Theme
- Strategic Theme Level
- Task Source
- Task Status
- Task Type
- Team
- Test Status
- Test Suite
- Test Type
- Theme
- Workitem Priority
- Workitem Source
- Workitem Status
Other Dimension Tables
As part of the ETL process the following Dimension tables are generated but not used in any of the main Fact Tables. They are documented here for completeness.
- Attachment Category
- Effective Asset State
- Goal Priority
- Goal Type
- Issue Status
- Note Category
- Project Status
- Schedule
- Theme Area
- Theme Complexity
- Theme Source
- Theme Status
- Theme Type