Themes are used to group similar stories. Themes are also known as Feature Groups or Use Cases depending on your methodology. This table contains Type 1 data for themes defined in your instance.
Table Description
Column Name | Description | DataType |
ThemeKey | Datamart identifier for this Theme | int |
ThemeOid | Identifier for this Theme | int |
ThemeName | Name | nvarchar |
ThemeDisplayId | Theme identifier visible in grids | varchar |
ThemeProjectKey | Foreign Key to the Project where the Theme is defined | int |
ThemeProjectName | Name of project where theme is defined | nvarchar |
ThemeCustomerName | Customer value for this Theme | nvarchar |
ThemeReference | Reference value for this Theme | nvarchar |
ThemeBuild | Build value for this Theme | nvarchar |
ThemeEstimate | Estimate value for this Theme | real |
ThemeParentKey | Foreign Key to the Theme's parent | int |
ThemeType | Theme Type field value | nvarchar |
ThemeStatus | Theme Status field value | nvarchar |
ThemeArea | Theme Area field value | nvarchar |
ThemePriority | Theme Priority field value | nvarchar |
ThemeComplexity | Theme Complexity field value | nvarchar |
ThemeSource | Theme Source field value | nvarchar |
ThemeAssetState | AssetState for this Theme | varchar |
ThemePath | Fully qualified path to the theme, useful for sorting | nvarchar |
ThemeParentDisplayId | Display Id for the Theme Parent | varchar |
ThemeParentName | Name of the Theme parent | nvarchar |
ThemeCreatedByName | Full Name of the Member who created this Theme | nvarchar |
ThemeLastModifiedByName | Full Name of the Member who last modified this Theme | nvarchar |
ThemeClosedDateUTC | The UTC date and time this Theme was Closed / Archived | datetime |
ThemeClosedDateKey | Foreign Key to Dim.Date for the Closed Date | int |
ThemeClosedByID | Foreign Key to the Dim.Member that closed this Theme | int |
ThemeClosedByName | The name of the Member that closed this Theme | nvarchar |
ThemeCreateDateUTC | UTC Date the Theme was created | datetime |
ThemeLastModifiedDateUTC | UTC Date the Theme was last modified | datetime |
ThemeCreatedByKey | Foreign Key to the Member who created this Theme | int |
ThemeLastModifiedByKey | Foreign Key to the Member who last modified this Theme | int |
ThemeCreateDateKey | Foreign Key to Dim.Date for the Create Date | int |
ThemeLastModifiedDateKey | Foreign Key to Dim.Date for the Last Modified Date | int |