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Using the Owners Lookup Field

This article explains how to use the owners lookup field option in Agility.


The Owners lookup field (also called Owners List or Owner List) displays in various places within the system. In some places, you can use it to assign workitems to owners. In other places, you can use it to filter backlog items in grids.

Adding a Member to the Owners List

Because the Owners field is automatically populated based on your relationship to the members, you cannot add names by selecting the Owner List check box or by modifying list values. Instead, you can add them by:

  • Assigning them to the workitem's project
  • If already assigned to the project, change their project role
  • Adding them to a new or existing TeamRoom™ or PlanningRoom™ (Don't forget to add yourself too!) - They must also be assigned to the project as well.

After this is done, they will show up the next time you use the Owners list.

Note that the Owners list only displays members who have access to the project, so the names may be different on different workitems.

Assigning a Story to a Member

There are two ways to assign a story to a member:

  • Lookup a member who is not listed by typing in the first few letters of their name. You can then select from the list of matching names. (Tip: The more characters you type, the more refined the results become), or
  • Select a name from the list of members shown (which display based on your relationship to them).

Selecting Multiple Owners

To assign workitems to multiple owners

  • Select the first name, and then press Enter.
  • Repeat Step 1 until you have added all the owners you want to add.

Note that you cannot select multiple owners in filter fields.

To help you choose the right person, the list displays the member's name along with their avatar photo and email address. This is helpful if several people have the same name.

Removing an Owner

To remove an owner, simply click the x next to the member's name.

  • Removing an owner from a workitem, "unassigns" it and removes it from the member's work queue.
  • Removing all the owners from a workitem, changes the status to "unassigned" and returns it to the backlog.
  • Removing an owner from a filter field restores the data to the default view.