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SeeTestAutomation- Send Non-English Text (Android)


Please note that this tool is classified as a Legacy tool. We recommend transitioning to our updated solutions to maintain optimal performance and security in your workflows. For more information on this matter, please reach out to technical support .

This capability enable you so send non-english characters to the device. Commands like SendText can do the same as long as the application under test is instrumented. This command can work on any application instrumented and non-instrumented.

For this capability to work you will need to perform some prerequisites:

  1. Install special keyboard:
    Open command prompt.
    Navigate to your installation directory \bin\adb
    Run the following command
    adb install SimpleKeyboard.apk

  2. Set your device default keyboard to use the installed keyboard.
    On your device Open Settings -> 'Language and input' -> 'Default keyboard'
    Select 'Simple IME' as the default keyboard

                        To Send text to element you need to focus the element (by clicking the element) and then use SendText command with:


