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Version: 25.0

Publishing and sharing a Roadmap

Learn how to publish a Roadmap to a URL (or link) that can be shared with others, even if they don't have access to Digital.aiAgility.


  1. Click the hamburger icon Hamburger icon > Portfolio> Roadmaps.
  2. If not already selected, choose a project from the Project Navigator.
  3. Click Layout (Timeline) or (Board).
  4. Select the Saved View upon which you want to base your published roadmap.
  5. Click Publish.
  6. Enter a description of the roadmap (the title is defaulted, but you can choose to add additional detail such as " xxx - Q1 Plan Review" to help communicate more detail about this revision) and click Publish.
  7. To share the timeline, copy and paste the system-generated URL.

Note that this link does not require a login to view the data, so be sure to share only with those authorized to see the data.

You can also see the list of published timelines on the Publications page Admin > Configuration > Publications. See Viewing and Deleting Published Timelines on the Publications Page for details.
