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Installing Data Mart ETL

This article explains how to install Data Mart in Agility.

What action do you want to take?

If an existing instance of the Data Mart ETL is detected on the machine, you are presented with a panel that requires you to choose an action before proceeding. The default action is to upgrade the existing instance. You may also remove an instance or install a new instance.

Select from these installed instances:

When upgrading or removing an instance you must specify an instance for the action. This panel is only presented if more than one instance is installed on the machine. Once you choose an instance, the next button is enabled. Agility runtime database server

The Data Mart setup utility will configure the ETL connection to the Agility runtime database. Therefore, Setup needs to know which database server hosting the Agility runtime database. On this panel you must specify the database server hosing the Agility runtime database and provide credential that Setup will use to connect to that server.

It's important to note that the credentials provided here are only used by Setup; these are not the credentials used by the Data Mart ETL application.

  • How do I resolve the "Cannot Connect to Database" error message? This error indicates that Setup cannot connect to the database server you specified. A common cause for this error is specifying only the machine name and omitting the SQL Server instance name. To include the instance name, use the format "[machine_name]\instance_name]" - for example, if you're installing on a local server in which both IIS & SQL are running, and the instance name is SQLEXPRESS (the name that express uses when installing), you would use "(local)\SQLEXPRESS". If the server is a remote server, you'd use the actual machine name. Agility Runtime Database

On this panel you are specifying the Agility runtime database that will be used by the ETL when extracting data. You can think of this as the ETL source database. Each time the ETL is executed, it will read from this database.

Specify the database user

How you answer this question determines which credentials are used by the ETL when connecting to the Agility runtime database. Your options are:

Let setup create a userWith this option Setup will create a new user on the database server and assign that user to the Agility database.  The username and password are randomly generated.  Additionally, when the instance is upgraded, new credentials are created.
My DBA Provided CredentialsIn some environments, access to databases is controlled.  If your DBA provided you credentials, choose this option and enter the credentials you were given.  These credentials are kept in a user.config file located in the ETL sub- directory. 

If you choose the "My DBA Provided Credentials" option, Setup will not manage your user credentials on upgrade. If you need to change the credentials at a later date you will need to edit the user.config file to perform the update.

Data Mart Database Server

The Data Mart setup utility will configure the ETL connection to the Data Mart database. Therefore, Setup needs to know which database server is hosting the Data Marat database. On this panel you must specify the database server hosting the Data Mart database and provide credential that Setup will use to connect to that server.

It's important to note that the credentials provided here are only used by Setup; these are not the credentials used by the Data Mart ETL application.

  • How do I resolve the "Cannot Connect to Database" error message? This error indicates that Setup cannot connect to the database server you specified. A common cause for this error is specifying only the machine name and omitting the SQL Server instance name. To include the instance name, use the format "[machine_name]\instance_name]" - for example, if you're installing on a local server in which both IIS & SQL are running, and the instance name is SQLEXPRESS (the name that express uses when installing), you would use "(local)\SQLEXPRESS". If the server is a remote server, you'd use the actual machine name.

Data Mart Database

This is where you specify the actual name of the Data Mart database. You can think of this database as the ETL destination database. Each time the ETL is executed, it will write data to this database.

The default name for this database is "[VersionOne Database Name]-datamart"; for example VersionOne-datamart. This name helps you quickly identify the Agility instance used to populate the Data Mart. We do not recommend changing the database name.

Specify the database user

How you answer this question determines which credentials are used by the ETL when connecting to the Data Mart database. Your options are:

Let setup create a userWith this option Setup will create a new user on the database server and assign that user to the Data Mart database.  The username and password are randomly generated.  Additionally, when the instance is upgraded, new credentials are created.
My DBA Provided CredentialsIn some environments, access to databases is controlled.  If your DBA provided you credentials, choose this option and enter the credentials you were given.  These credentials are kept in a user.config file located in the ETL sub- directory. 

If you choose the "My DBA Provided Credentials" option, Setup will not manage your user credentials on upgrade. If you need to change the credentials at a later date you will need to edit the user.config file to perform the update.

Analytics Metadata Database Server

Customers that have the Ultimate edition, will see additional panels necessary to configure the Analytics metadata database.

For Ultimate Edition customers, the Data Mart setup utility will configure the ETL connection to the Analytics metadata database. Therefore, Setup needs to know which database server is hosting the Analytics meta-data database. On this panel you must specify the database server hosting the Analytics metadata database and provide credential that Setup will use to connect to that server.

It's important to note that the credentials provided here are only used by Setup; these are not the credentials used by the Data Mart ETL application.

  • How do I resolve the "Cannot Connect to Database" error message? This error indicates that Setup cannot connect to the database server you specified. A common cause for this error is specifying only the machine name and omitting the SQL Server instance name. To include the instance name, use the format "[machine_name]\instance_name]" - for example, if you're installing on a local server in which both IIS & SQL are running, and the instance name is SQLEXPRESS (the name that express uses when installing), you would use "(local)\SQLEXPRESS". If the server is a remote server, you'd use the actual machine name.

Analytics Metadata Database

This is where you specify the actual name of the Analytics metadata database. This too is a destination database to the ETL. Each time the ETL is executed, it will write data about Custom Attributes defined in your Agility instance to this database.

The default name for this database is "[VersionOne Database Name]-analytics"; for example Version-analytics. This name helps you quickly identify the Agility instance used to populate this database. We do not recommend changing the database name.

Specify the database user

How you answer this question determines which credentials are used by the ETL when connecting to the Analytics metadata database. Your options are:

Let setup create a userWith this option Setup will create a new user on the database server and assign that user to the Analytics metadata database.  The username and password are randomly generated.  Additionally, when the instance is upgraded, new credentials are created.
My DBA Provided CredentialsIn some environments, access to databases is controlled.  If your DBA provided you credentials, choose this option and enter the credentials you were given.  These credentials are kept in a user.config file located in the ETL sub- directory. 
  • If you choose the "My DBA Provided Credentials" option, Setup will not manage your user credentials on upgrade. If you need to change the credentials at a later date you will need to edit the user.config file to perform the update.

Installation Directory

The sub-directory specified on this panel is where Setup will place the Data Mart ETL executable (VersionOne.DatamartLoader.exe) and support files. The default location is a sub-directory located under "C:\Program Files\VersionOne". This sub-directory name is in the format "[VersionOne instance database name] to [data mart database name]". For example, if you take all the defaults, the full path to the ETL executable is "C:\Program Files\VersionOne\VersionOne to VersionOne-datamart".

You can type another sub-directory name, or use the Choose" button to select an existing folder on your machine. We do not recommend that you change this sub-directory name, or location, unless absolutely necessary.

Should the database be preserved or deleted?

When removing an instance of the Agility Data Mart, you need to decide if you want the database destroyed. If you choose delete, the database is removed and cannot be recovered, unless you have a backup.

Setup is ready to perform the following actions:

This panel allows you to review the changes that setup is about to make. Click Next to apply the changes.

Please wait while Setup installs ....

This panel allows you to view the progress of the changes being made.


When setup is successful you receive a small window indicating this fact. Click OK to close setup.

  • If you are installing the Data Mart against an instance of Agility Enterprise, you are done and may not execute the Data Mart ETL.
  • If you are installing the Data Mart against an instance of Agility Ultimate, you need to install Analytics before running the ETL.

Once the ETL has run successfully from the commandline, you should configure the Windows Task Scheduler to periodically launch the ETL program. At a minimum you should run the ETL nightly.