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Version: Early Access

Workflow to Install Release Runner in Kubernetes

Before You Begin

This tutorial involves working with a variety of tools and technologies such as Release, Remote Runners, Kubernetes, GitHub, and so on. You can perform this task by simply following the instructions. However, being familiar with these tools and technologies can help you considerably when you try this out in your test environment.

What's the objective?

The objective is to illustrate how to use the Release runner install in Kubernetes workflow in Release to install a Runner into an existing Kubernetes cluster using XL CLI.

Though the Release supports GitHub, GitLab, and BitBucket repositories, this tutorial is built with the GitHub repository for illustrative purposes.

What do you need?

You must have the following:

  • A computer that runs Windows, macOS, or Linux to install and run the kubectl and other CLIs.
  • A Kubernetes cluster where Remote runner will be installed.
  • kubectl

What do you have?

To get your Release runner install in Kubernetes workflow, see how to Run Workflows.

Note: A default folder called is now available in Release. It contains the downloadable workflows and templates that are published by in the shared content folder repository.

Here's a detailed step-by-step.

Step 1 - Set up Kubernetes Cluster

Note: The instructions to set up the cluster are indicative of the process. You may have to keep abreast of the latest developments with regards to the cloud platform you work with and set up the cluster to suit your requirements.

The process of setting up a Kubernetes cluster and the tools required for the same varies from one platform to the other. However, there are certain things that you must think through before setting up a Kubernetes cluster in general.

You can install Argo CD on the following Kubernetes platforms.

  • Plain Multi-node Kubernetes Cluster On-premise
  • Amazon EKS
  • Azure AKS
  • Google GKE
  • OpenShift

Step 2 - Create user and token for Runner registration

In this step, you will create a new user and generate access token as follows.

Create Runner user and assign permissions

  • Create a new user called runner.
  • Create a global role called Runners for the runner user.
  • Assign global permission called Runner registration for the Runners role.

Create access token

  • Login with runner user.
  • Go to the Personal access tokens from the top-right corner of the screen.
  • Create a new token called Runner token and copy it into the Runner token field.

Step 3 - Install XL CLI

Note: You must run the same version of XL CLI and Release.

In this step, you will install the XL CLI

Step 4 - Install Release Runner

In this step, you will install the Release runner through XL CLI.