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SeeTest Client - Gesture commands


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Gesture commands are supported on iOS only (version 9 and up) in full-control mode.

A gesture is a sequence of touch events, done with one or more fingers. To simulate a single or multi-touch gesture, a set of gesture commands are provided by SeeTest.

A gesture consists of one or more event sequences (paths), where each path is executed with a different finger.

The general structure for gesture is as follows (in pseudo-code):

General structure for gesture

  // tells the client we want to perform a gesture

// path 1 - add commands for the first simulated finger

// path 2 - add commands for the second simulated finger
// identify elements and perform the gesture on the device

A few points to note:

  1. To start a set of gesture commands, we need to execute gestureStartBuilding() first.
  2. All gesture steps will be performed when executing gesturePerform(). 
  3. Each gesture command is given a finger index. Index is any integer. 
  4. Events can be performed on elements, given by any identification method, or by coordinates.
  5. Paths start executing at the same time. i.e., path 1 and path 2 from the above example will start executing at the same time.


void (String MutliGesturesName)


Indicate to SeeTest that the following commands sent from the client are grouped under the multi gesture step.


void ()


Takes the steps added since the last StartMultiGesture command till this command and sends them to the device.

At this step, the elements used in different commands will be identified, e.g, an element identified with xpath in native zone.


void (String Zone, String Element, int Index, int fingerIndex)


  • Zone: Select Zone
  • Element: Select Element
  • Index: Element index
  • FingerIndex: finger index - distinguishes between paths.


Adds a touch down event on the given element, with the given finger index.


void (int x, int y, int fingerIndex)


  • x: the x coordinate for the touch point 

  • y: the y coordinate for the touch point 

  • FingerIndex: finger index - distinguishes between paths.


Adds a touch down event on the given coordinate, with the given finger index.


void (String Zone, String Element, int Index, int fingerIndex)


  • Zone: Select Zone
  • Element: Select Element
  • Index: Element index
  • FingerIndex: finger index - distinguishes between paths.


Adds a move event to the given element, with the given finger index.

The move will start from the last point touched down or moved to.


void (int x, int y, int fingerIndex)


  • x: the x coordinate for the touch point 
  • y: the y coordinate for the touch point 
  • FingerIndex: finger index - distinguishes between paths.


Adds a move event to the given coordinate, with the given finger index.

The move will start from the last point touched down or moved to.


void (int fingerIndex)


  • FingerIndex: finger index - distinguishes between paths.


Touch up from the last point touched down or moved to.


void (String Zone, String Element, int Index, int fingerIndex)


  • Zone: Select Zone
  • Element: Select Element
  • Index: Element index
  • FingerIndex: finger index - distinguishes between paths.


Adds a click on the given element, with the given finger index.


void (int x, int y, int fingerIndex)


  • x: the x coordinate for the touch point 
  • y: the y coordinate for the touch point 
  • FingerIndex: finger index - distinguishes between paths.


Adds a click one the given coordinate, with the given finger index.


void (String Direction, Int Offset, Int Time, Int fingerIndex)


  • Direction: Direction of the swipe motion.
  • Offset: Swipe offset (in pixels).
  • Time: Overall swipe time
  • FingerIndex: finger index - distinguishes between paths.


Performs a swipe across the screen in the given direction, with the given finger.


void (Int Time, int FingerIndex)


  • Direction: Direction of the swipe motion.
  • Offset: Swipe offset (in pixels).
  • Time: Overall swipe time
  • FingerIndex: finger index - distinguishes between paths.


Adds a wait, with the given finger.


This example will perform pinch using 'Maps'

client.launch("", false, false);
// finger 0
client.multiTouchDownCoordinate(200,600, 0);
client.multiTouchMoveCoordinate(250, 600, 0);

// finger 1
client.multiTouchDownCoordinate(170,600, 1);
client.multiTouchMoveCoordinate(140, 600, 1);
