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When using Swipe-Commands - There is a parameter of Offset (in pixels).
This parameter determines the distance where the action will begin from the end of the screen.
As a visual aid, an arrow will be drawn on the reflection showing the swipe motion. It will start according to the offset value and will point the opposite of the swipe direction.
Best Practice: Use SeeTestAutomation- P2CX, P2CY commands for offset value to avoid dependency on exact screen resolution.
In the following screen, the swipe command with Offset=100 will not produce a swipe, because the keypad is covering half of the screen.
So in order to overcome this, we can set the Offset to be 500, and then the swipe will start at 500 pixels above the beginning of the screen:
For Drag-Commands - you are required to enter the distance (in pixels) from the point where you want to start the dragging to the point where the drag should end.
- YOffset: + values drag down, - values drag up.
- XOffset: + values drag right, - values drag left.