SeeTest Client - IsElementFound
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**IsElementFound(**Zone, Text, Index)
Check if a given element or text is found in the specified zone; if found returns TRUE if not found returns FALSE
- Zone - Select Zone
- SearchElement - what to search for: select Element from the drop-down list OR (for OCR text identification) insert text into the empty box in the drop-down list
- Index - Element or text index
S****cenario: In the following scenario we will verify that the ‘Register’ button appears upon entering the ebay application.
Enabling the Object Spy to grab a unique native identifier for the ‘Register’ button.
By marking the button, we can get all the element's properties. By checking on the XPath filter, we can see that path=//*[@text='Register'] uniquely recognized the element.
Adding a command of isElementFound(Zone, Element, Index) command with the following parameters:
Element: xpath=//*[@text='Register']
Index: 0
Code Examples
Java Example
if(client.isElementFound("NATIVE", "xpath=//*[text='register']", 0)){
// If statement
C# Example Expand source
if(client.IsElementFound("NATIVE", "xpath=//*[text='register']", 0)){
// If statement
VBScript Example Expand source
If StrComp (client.IsElementFound ("NATIVE", "xpath=//*[text='register']", 0 ), "True") = 0 Then
'If statement
End If
Python Example Expand source
if(self.client.isElementFound("NATIVE", "xpath=//*[text='register']", 0)):
# If statement
Perl Example Expand source
if($client->isElementFound("NATIVE", "xpath=//*[text='register']", 0)){
# If statement