Velocity by Priority Report
The Velocity by Priority report breaks the Effort that was completed during a sprint or iteration into different priority levels, based on the Priority of completed (closed) workitems. The velocity by priority is measured in points or hours, just like the other velocity reports.
Use this report to track completed (closed) work at different priorities and to plan future sprints, forecast Effort on future sprints, and track past Effort.
Velocity is often used to make business decisions, so it's important to understand exactly what velocity indicates. To learn more about this key agile concept, explore some of these links:
- Frequently Asked Questions about Velocity
- Words Mean Things - Velocity
- Using Velocity to Make Smarter Management Decisions
Accessing This Report
- Click the hamburger menu > Reports > All Reports. In the Planning Reports section, click Velocity by Priority.
Report Filters or Parameters
Team: Shows Team-specific data for the project or program. The default value is "All" or "Blank".
Backlog Group: Shows data assigned to the selected backlog group.
Workitem: Shows data for a specific work item type: All (all workitems), Stories, Defects, or Testsets. The default option is "All".
Aggregation Type: Determines how the data is aggregated. Valid values are:
- Total Estimate - Sum the Estimate values.
- Workitem Count - Count of work items regardless of estimate value.