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Select an element within a list (first making the element visible)


Note: This command will work only on instrumented applications


List locatorStringA String identifier of List locator
Element locatorStringA String identifier of Element locator
IndexIntegerElement Index
ClickBooleanTrue to select the element.


The command can be used to select an element in a List**.**


Consider the EriBank Application,

Step 1: Login to the EriBank application.

Step 2: Click the Make Payment button.

Step 3: Click Select button.

In Automation mode open Open the Object Spy.

Now we need to find the list locator identifier.

Click the parent of the list element and note down the list locator identifier which is in this case "accessibility=conutryView".

Now we need to find the element identifier,

Click any element in the list and note down the Element identifier which is text=Greece.

Once this is done the following code cane be used to select the Element in the list locator.


Replace <server> with the appropriate URL.


DesiredCapabilities dc = new DesiredCapabilities();
driver = new AndroidDriver(new URL("<server>"), dc);
seetest = new SeeTestClient(driver);
dc.setCapability(MobileCapabilityType.UDID, "deviceid");


seetest.elementListSelect("accessibilityLabel=conutryView","text=Greece", 0, true);