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Appium Desktop

Appium Desktop is an open-source application for Mac, Windows and Linux. This gives the users the ability to automate mobile scripts with a flexible UI.'s Continuous Testing integration with Appium Desktop allows you to inspect on real Android and IOS Devices. The latest Appium Desktop can be downloaded from Appium Desktop Github Page.

This guide will go through how to use Appium Desktop with SeeTest Cloud. 

Start the Server

Start up the Appium Desktop Application to bring up the new session window, and start the server in "Simple" mode.

Connect to your SeeTest Cloud instance

  1. Click on "Start Inspector Session"

  1. From the Cloud Providers, choose "Experitest"

  1. Populate the URL of your Cloud, and Access Key

Populate the Desired Capabilities

We need to populate the capabilities in order to point the Appium instance to a device we want to work with

Basic iOS Capabilities

automationName - XCUITest
deviceName - Name of the target device, but can be generic such as "Samsung"
platformName - iOS
udid - Device Serial Number

iOS Application Capabilities

To Install & Launch an Application, the following capabilities are required:

app - cloud:<Name of Bundle Identifier>
bundleId - Bundle Identifier of the Application

To simply Launch an Application, the following capabilities are required:

bundleId - Bundle Identifier of the Application

iOS Browser Capabilities

browserName - Safari

Android Basic Capabilities

automationName - UIAutomator2
deviceName - Name of the target device, but can be generic such as "Samsung"
platformName - Android
udid - Device Serial Number

Android Application Capabilities

To Install & Launch an Application, the following capabilities are required:

app - cloud:<Name of AppPackage/appActivity>
appPackage - Package Name of the Application
appActivity - Activity Name of the Application

To simply Launch an Application, the following capabilities are required:

appPackage - Package Name of the Application
appActivity - Activity Name of the Application

Android Browser Capabilities

browserName - Chrome

Start Session

Once all the necessary Capabilities are populated, we can "Start Session"

That's it, happy testing!