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Appium Inspector

Appium Inspector is a GUI inspector for mobile apps and more, powered by a (separately installed) Appium server, This gives the users the ability to automate mobile scripts with a flexible UI.

You can connect to a local server or to a cloud.

You have two ways of connecting to SeeTest cloud:

Connect to your Seetest Cloud (Appium server tab)

  1. Open the Appium Inspector
  2. Click on Appium server tab
  3. Add the remote host and the port (no need to add the protocol with the host)
  4. Add "/wd/hub" to the remote path
  5. Check the SSL check box for secure cloud
  6. The accessKey needs to be added as part of the capabilities "experitest:accessKey"

  • You can specify which appium version to use by  changing the project version from the cloud or by adding "appium:appiumVersion" capability with a version that exists in the cloud.

Connect to your SeeTest Cloud instance 

  1. Open the Appium Inspector
  2. Click on Select cloud providers
  3. Select Experitest
  4. Populate the cloud URL and the AccessKey

Populate the Desired Capabilities

We need to populate the capabilities in order to point the Appium instance to a device we want to work with.

Appium inspector is expected to work by default with Appium 2.0 which is based on the W3C client, and its capabilities (W3C capabilities)

so for it to work we need to add the "appium:" prefix to all of appium capabilities we want to use (appium capabilities)

iOS Basic Capabilities:

automationName - XCUITest
deviceName - Name of the target device, but can be generic such as "Samsung"
platformName - iOS
udid - Device Serial Number

iOS Browser Capabilities:

You need to add to the basic capabilities:

browserName - safari

iOS Application Capabilities:

You need to add to the basic capabilities:

to Install & Launch an Application, the following capabilities are required:

app - cloud:<Name of Bundle Identifier>
bundleId - Bundle Identifier of the Application

To simply Launch an Application, the following capabilities are required:

bundleId - Bundle Identifier of the Application

Android Basic Capabilities

automationName - UIAutomator2
deviceName - Name of the target device, but can be generic such as "Samsung"
platformName - Android
udid - Device Serial Number

Android Browser Capabilities:

You need to add to the basic capabilities:

browserName - Chrome

Android Application Capabilities:

You need to add to the basic capabilities:

to Install & Launch an Application, the following capabilities are required:

app - cloud:<Name of AppPackage/appActivity>
appPackage - Package Name of the Application
appActivity - Activity Name of the Application

To simply Launch an Application, the following capabilities are required:

appPackage - Package Name of the Application
appActivity - Activity Name of the Application


You can use this checkbox to add the Appim prefix automatically.