Select an element from the Object Repository in a list (first make the element visible) Equivalent command to elementListSelect command.
Note: This command will work only on instrumented applications
Name | Value | Description |
List Zone Name | String with available zones * NATIVE * WEB * TEXT | Zones which define the way the element will be identified. |
List locator | String | A String identifier of List locator |
List Zone Name | String with available zones * NATIVE * WEB * TEXT | Zones which define the way the element will be identified. |
Element locator | String | A String identifier of Element locator |
Index | Integer | Element Index |
Click | Boolean | If true then click |
Uses zones to identify the list Locator and the element Locator
Image and code below displays how this command can be used.
Replace <server> with the appropriate URL.
- Public Continuous Testing Cloud - https://cloud.seetest.io/wd/hub/.
- Dedicated Continuous Testing Cloud environment - Your own domain. For example: https://company.experitest.com/wd/hub/
- On-premises Continuous Testing Cloud environment - Your designated URL. For example: https://company.com/wd/hub
DesiredCapabilities dc = new DesiredCapabilities();
driver = new AndroidDriver(new URL("<server>"), dc);
seetest = new SeeTestClient(driver);
dc.setCapability(MobileCapabilityType.UDID, "<deviceid>");
seetest.elementListPick("NATIVE", "id=countryList", "NATIVE", "text=United Kingdom", 0, true);