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This command will click an element. Although Appium provides a native click method, the SeeTest Client extends the click command by allowing you to specify how many clicks to perform. In addition, this command has the ability to click on elements based on OCR (optical character recognition).


zonestringZone - Native, Web, Text (OCR)
elemenstringxpath of the element to find. In case of Text (OCR), the element's text
indexintindex of the element to find, if more than one element answers to the xpath query
clickCountintNumber of clicks to perform


If your app includes a feature where an element or button need to be clicked more than once, you can use this command. You can also use this command to click on element that does not have a defined XPath and can only be recognized based text that appears in their image.



Replace <server> with the appropriate URL.

Usage of Click Command

driver = new AndroidDriver(new URL("<server>"), dc);
seetest = new SeeTestClient(driver);


// to click an native element in an app"NATIVE", "xpath=//*[@text='click me']", 0, 5);

// to click an element by OCR"TEXT", "click me", 0, 5);