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SeeTestAutomation- getCurrentBrowserTabId, getBrowserTabIdList and switchToBrowserTab


Please note that this tool is classified as a Legacy tool. We recommend transitioning to our updated solutions to maintain optimal performance and security in your workflows. For more information on this matter, please reach out to technical support .

Supports: Google Chrome (Android) \ iOS Safari


The following commands allow users to change the current Javascript execution context of a mobile web browser, the tab with the current JS execution context is referred to as focused \ active tab


Switching tabs will not display on the browser the tab with the ID that you wanted to switch to, but will only change the JS Execution context

getCurrentBrowserTab - returns the internal browser ID of the active (focused)

getBroswerTabIdList - returns a List of all opened tab id's

switchToBrowserTab - Switches JS execution context to the ID provided

Examples - working with browser tabs

		String currentId = client.getCurrentBrowserTabId(); 
List<String> tabs = Arrays.asList(client.getBrowserTabIdList());
for (String tabId : tabs)
System.out.println(client.hybridRunJavascript("", 0, "result = document.URL")); // will print out all open tabs
client.switchToBrowserTab(currentId); // returns JS context to the original tab - which is displayed in the browser