SeeTestAutomation- Integrating The MTM With TFS And The Test Project
Please note that this tool is classified as a Legacy tool. We recommend transitioning to our updated solutions to maintain optimal performance and security in your workflows. For more information on this matter, please reach out to technical support .
Step 1: Connect to the collection and Open the MTM as administrator, connect to the Solution we had created in the previous stage and add a new "Test Plan". The new "Test Plan" will contain all of our "Test Cases" and define how to run each Test.
Navigate to the "Lab Center" by using the "DropDownList" at the top of the page.
In the "Lab Center" we are going to establish the "Test Environment" and "Test Setting":
a. The Test Environment
The "Test Environment" are the definition of the computers that will run the "Test Cases". An environment is combined of a server machine and a client machine as a basic environment. We do not need to define all the machines that will participate in the process right from the start, we can add them later on. This is not important to us, from the short experience we have, so we just:
- Give it a name
- Select it to be a "standard" environment
- Add the Server and client machine.
- Enter the user credentials
- Click on "Verify" and then "Finish"
The errors you will encounter will probably be credentials errors so make sure your TFS is configured to be accessible to the client machine. - Deploy the environment we could work with it.
b. The Test Setting
The "Test Setting" is the configuration part of the test. In the "Test Setting" we will select the machine that will run the tests and the kind of tests it will be – automated or manual. We will also select the information the MTM will collect during the runs. It will come in handy in the next section when we will create a "Collector" and use it to collect the SeeTestAutomation reports. For now we will not need to select a "Collector".
- Navigate to the "Test Setting" and create a new "Test Setting"
- Select the server machine to run the test
- Select the test setting to be "Automated" in the "General" tab
- Click on "Finish" to save the "Test Setting"
Step 2: The Testing Center
a. The Test Plan
The Test Plan is what we are going to run at the end of the process. It will refer to the "Test Case" created in the Visual Studio, to the successful build output generated on the server by building the solution in Visual Studio and to the "Test Environment" and the "Test Setting" configured in the "Lab Center".
First we will add the "Test Case" to the "Test Plan" by navigating to the "Test center" and click on "Add".
Run a query to find the Test Case (it should be configured so to you will just need to click the "Run" button).
Add the Test Case.
Now we will need to configure the Test Plan. In the "Testing Center" navigate to "Plan" -> "properties" and select the "Test Setting" and the "Tet Environment"
Select the "Build in use" by clicking on "Modify". Assign the last successful build to the "Plan". If the build in use is not the last build click on the "Refresh" button and assign the latest buil
**b.**The "Test"
Now we will run the test Case we associated to the "Plan". In the "Test" tab we will select the "Test Case" and click on "Run". That’s it. It should perform the test on the TFS-Server so theSeeTestAutomation client must run on the host for the test to able to interact with the devices.
c. Review the test result
For any error that might occur we have the "Result" tab that will present us with the errors. In this tab we will also see the report attachment after building our "Collector" in the next section.