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Version: TeamForge 24.1

Install All Services on a Single RHEL/CentOS Server

Here's a list of dos, don'ts and points to remember when you install or upgrade TeamForge.

Single Server Setup

You can install TeamForge on both RHEL 8.10. In this single server setup, all the following TeamForge services are installed on a single RHEL/CentOS server.

TeamForge Application Server (server-01)

  • TeamForge Application Server (ctfcore)
  • Database Server (ctfcore-database and ctfcore-datamart)
  • Mail Server (mail)
  • Code Search Server (codesearch)
  • ETL Server (etl)
  • Git Integration Server (gerrit and gerrit-database)
  • Review Board (reviewboard, reviewboard-database and reviewboard-adapter)1
  • Binary (binary and binary-database)
  • SCM Integration Server (subversion)
  • Search Server (search).
  • CLI Server (cliserver)
  • TeamForge Baseline (baseline, baseline-database, baseline-post-install)2
  • TeamForge Webhooks-based Event Broker (webr webr-database)
  • Service Monitor (service-monitor)

Do This Step by Step on the TeamForge Application Server (server-01)

  1. Install RHEL 8.10 and log on as root.
    The host must be registered with the Red Hat Network if you are using Red Hat Enterprise Linux.
    See the RHEL 8.10 Installation Guide for help.

  2. Check your networking setup. See Set up Networking for more information.

  3. Install the TeamForge application packages.

    yum install teamforge

Install Monit.


If you haven't already installed the latest version of the Monit application, download it here.

  1. Download Monit for

    • RHEL 8.x from the EPEL repository.

      rpm -ivh epel-release-latest-8.noarch.rpm
    • RHEL/CentOS 7.x from the EPEL repository.

      rpm -ivh epel-release-latest-7.noarch.rpm
  2. Install Monit.

    yum install monit

Install the Baseline packages.

yum install teamforge-baseline
  1. Set up your site's master configuration file.

    vi /opt/collabnet/teamforge/etc/site-options.conf

    host:SERVICES Token

    server-01:SERVICES=ctfcore ctfcore-database service-monitor search mail codesearch etl ctfcore-datamart subversion gerrit gerrit-database binary binary-database reviewboard reviewboard-database reviewboard-adapter cliserver baseline baseline-database baseline-post-install webr webr-database

    You may remove the identifiers of components you do not want. For example, remove baseline baseline-database baseline-post-install if you are not planning to install the TeamForge Baseline tool. See TeamForge services for more information.

    host:PUBLIC_FQDN Token

    Save the site-options.conf file.

    For further customization of your site configuration (SSL settings, password policy settings, PostgreSQL settings, LDAP settings and so on):

  1. Set up your site's master configuration file.

    vi /opt/collabnet/teamforge/etc/site-options.conf

    host:SERVICES Token

    server-01:SERVICES=ctfcore ctfcore-database service-monitor search mail codesearch etl ctfcore-datamart subversion gerrit gerrit-database binary binary-database reviewboard reviewboard-database reviewboard-adapter cliserver baseline baseline-database baseline-post-install webr webr-database

    You may remove the identifiers of components you do not want. For example, remove baseline baseline-database baseline-post-install webr webr-database if you are not planning to install the TeamForge Baseline and Webhooks-based Event Broker tools. See TeamForge services for more information.

    host:PUBLIC_FQDN Token

    Save the site-options.conf file.

    For further customization of your site configuration (SSL settings, password policy settings, PostgreSQL settings, LDAP settings and so on): .

  2. Provision services.

    teamforge provision

    TeamForge 24.1 installer expects the system locale to be LANG=en_US.UTF-8. TeamForge create runtime (teamforge provision) fails otherwise.

  3. Verify TeamForge installation.

    1. Reboot the server and make sure all services come up automatically at startup.
    2. Log on to the TeamForge web application using the default Admin credentials.
      • Username: admin
      • Password: admin
    3. Create a sample project. See Create a TeamForge Project.
    4. Write a welcome message to your site's users. See Create a Site-wide Broadcast.

Post Install Tasks

Also See...

FAQs on Install / Upgrade / Administration


  1. TeamForge 24.1 supports Review Board 4.0.6 on RHEL 8.10.

  2. It's highly recommended that you install the TeamForge Baseline services on a separate server as the baselining process can consume considerable CPU and database resources. For more information, see Install TeamForge in a Distributed Setup.