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Version: TeamForge 24.1

TeamForge License

TeamForge License Framework

The TeamForge license framework has been revamped in TeamForge 21.1.

TeamForge's license model consists of the following license types:

  • ALM
  • ALM Essentials
  • SCM

Here's the list of changes to the TeamForge license model.

  • The Version Control, Collaboration, and Trackers license types are no longer available in TeamForge 21.1 and later
  • The ALM and Baselines license types are bundled together and are being offered as the new ALM license

When you migrate from TeamForge 21.0 or earlier to TeamForge 21.1 or later:

  • Existing ALM licenses are migrated to the new ALM license (with Baselines)
  • All other license types such as Baselines, Version Control, Tracker, and Collaboration are deleted

While TeamForge supports more selective tool options with these new license changes, there's no impact on customers, both new and existing, that require all the tools that TeamForge supports.

In addition to the tools offering, the Reporting framework is also controlled by the licenses you have. Meaning, you can view and generate reports based on the license types assigned to you. For example, you must have SCM license to view or generate SCM activity reports. Check with your representative if you aren't sure how many licenses or what kind of licenses you want/have.

The following table lists the license types and the tools that go with them (refer to the Tools Availability Matrix section at the end of this topic for a complete list of tools and functions).

Features/ToolsSCMALM EssentialsALM
Source Code Management (SVN/GIT)
File Releases
Integrations (Jira, Jenkins, MicroFocus ALM, Nexus, ReviewBoard, TestLink)
CollabNet Desktops
LDAP/SAML support
ReportsSCM Commits reportActivity, Agile, and Table reportsDistribution and Trend reports
24x7 SupportPremiumPremiumPremium
  • Your license key contains a few important numbers:
    • The number of users eligible to use specific licenses such as ALM, ALM Essentials, and SCM.

    • The IP address of the machine that your site runs on.

      For example, if your organization has 80 users who will use only the source code management features, 100 users who will use TeamForge ALM Essentials features, and 100 users who need the TeamForge ALM features, your license key string may look like this:

  • Your license key only works for the IP address (or range of addresses) of the hardware that your TeamForge is running on, as specified in your order form. If your site uses a separate server for its database or source code repositories, make sure your license key reflects the IP addresses of all the necessary servers. If any of these addresses change, ask your representative to generate a new key.
  • When you create a user account, you can assign the user with available licenses.
  • You can purchase a TeamForge license for as many years as you want. The validity period is encoded into your license when it is generated by your representative.
  • How many users your site can support depends on the type of license. Check with your representative if you aren't sure what kind of licenses you have.
  • Your license key is attached to the IP address of the server where your site runs. You can get a license key for a single IP address or for a range of IP addresses.
  • Your service year starts the first time you log into your site, or the first time you create or edit any item on your site, such as a tracker artifact or a document. Whichever of these events comes first starts the clock.
  • The expiration date of your license is shown on the License Info page. (Go to My Workspace > Admin and select Projects > License Info).
  • When your service year expires, you can still see the project data on your site, but you cannot make any changes to it. However, you can still carry out some critical maintenance functions for your site:
    • Enter a new license key.
    • Disable or delete users.
    • Change user passwords.
    • Get forgotten user passwords.
  • Except deleted users, all other users in TeamForge such as active users, pending users, disabled users, and expired users continue to consume licenses.

Tools Availability Matrix

ToolsSCMALM EssentialsALM
File ReleasesSuccessSuccessSuccess
Access ControlsSuccessSuccessSuccess
Project Work SpacesSuccessSuccessSuccess
User ManagementSuccessSuccessSuccess
Flexible Process and Toolchain TemplatesSuccessSuccessSuccess
Reusable DashboardsSuccessSuccessSuccess
Categories and GroupsSuccessSuccessSuccess
Cross Project VisibilitySuccessSuccessSuccess
Cross Project SearchSuccessSuccessSuccess
Site-wide AdministrationSuccessSuccessSuccess
Custom Branding and Custom IntegrationsSuccessSuccessSuccess
Security ArchitectureSuccessSuccessSuccess
Onsite and Hosted ProvisioningSuccessSuccessSuccess
Git/SVN Repository Management and ReplicationSuccessEmptySuccess
Code ReviewSuccessEmptySuccess
Build AutomationSuccessEmptySuccess
Binary Repository ManagementSuccessEmptySuccess
Wiki and Discussion ForumsEmptyEmptySuccess
SVN Auto UpdatesSuccessEmptySuccess
SVN Repository Backup and MonitoringSuccessEmptySuccess
Agile Task and Planning BoardsEmptySuccessSuccess
Test ManagementEmptySuccessSuccess
Cross Project Reporting and DashboardsEmptySuccessSuccess
Document ManagementEmptySuccessSuccess
Activity ReportsEmptyEmptyEmpty
SCM Commits (Datamart)SuccessSuccessSuccess
Artifact Closed (Datamart)EmptySuccessSuccess
Artifact Created (Datamart)EmptySuccessSuccess
Agile ReportsEmptyEmptyEmpty
Burn Down Chart (Datamart)EmptySuccessSuccess
Committed vs Done vs Missed (Datamart)EmptySuccessSuccess
Cumulative Flowchart (Datamart)EmptySuccessSuccess
Release Burn Up Chart (Datamart)EmptySuccessSuccess
Table ReportsEmptyEmptyEmpty
Tracker (Operational DB)EmptySuccessSuccess
Distribution ReportsEmptyEmptyEmpty
Artifact Distribution Chart (Multiple Trackers) (Datamart)EmptyEmptySuccess
Artifact Distribution Chart (SingleTracker) (Datamart)EmptyEmptySuccess
Average Size by Area/Group (Operational DB)EmptyEmptySuccess
Status Distribution by Area/Group (Operational DB)EmptyEmptySuccess
Total Size by Area/Group (Operational DB)EmptyEmptySuccess
Total Size by Tracker Type (Operational DB)EmptyEmptySuccess
Trend ReportsEmptyEmptyEmpty
Artifact Open/Close (Datamart)EmptyEmptySuccess
Average Age Report (Datamart)EmptyEmptySuccess

Teamforge Application Lifecycle Management Edition Feature Matrix TeamForge is an end-to-end enterprise application development, collaboration, and delivery platform that ensures governance, compliance, and code security standards are maintained, whether teams are using waterfall, agile, or hybrid software development methodologies. TeamForge helps application development teams gain visibility into their processes and workflows so they can find bottlenecks and areas for automation, helping them create higher quality applications at speed.

For additional information about Support go to

Additionally, hosted TeamForge customers have access to SSO, get dedicated instance and storage volumes, offsite data replication, encryption at rest, IP Whitelisting, 14-day data retention, and 24/7 system/storage/performance/network monitoring.

Supply Your TeamForge License Key via Teamforge User Interface

Your license key enables you to use TeamForge for the period of your contract.

Your license key will only work for the IP address of the machine that your TeamForge is running on, as specified in your order form.

These steps are for installing your license key via the web interface. If you prefer, you can install it as a text file instead. See Supply your TeamForge License Key as a Text File.

  1. Locate the confirmation email you received from your representative when you purchased your contract.

  2. Log into your site as a Site Administrator.


    A Site Administrator is different from the root user on the server that runs your TeamForge site.

  3. Click Admin > License Info.

    If you have entered a license before, the IP address and current licensed number of users on your site are listed on the License Key page. Verify that the IP address is the same as the one you entered in your order form.

  4. Click Enter License Key.

  5. Copy your new license key from the confirmation email and paste it into the Enter License Key field.

    A license key string looks like this:


    Save this license key in case you need to reinstall TeamForge.

  6. Click Save.

  7. Verify that the new value for Licensed Number of Users matches the total number of licensed users in your contract.

Supply Your TeamForge License Key as a Text File

Your license key enables you to use TeamForge for the period of your contract.

Your license key will only work for the IP address of the machine that your TeamForge is running on.


If you are upgrading from a site with a limited number of users to an enterprise-scale site, you must install your license key before starting TeamForge. Otherwise, your site could be rendered inoperable.

  1. Locate the confirmation email you received from your representative when you purchased your contract.

  2. Create a text file and copy-paste your license key from the confirmation email into it.

    For example, if your organization has 80 users who will use only the source code management features, 100 users who will use TeamForge ALM Essentials features, and 100 users who need the TeamForge ALM features, your license key string may look like this:


    Save this license key in case you need to reinstall TeamForge.

  3. Save the text file as /opt/collabnet/teamforge/var/etc/sflicense.txt


    Save your license key somewhere remote too, in case you need to reinstall TeamForge and your sflicense.txt file is not accessible.

  4. Make the license file usable by the application.

    chmod 0664 /opt/collabnet/teamforge/var/etc/sflicense.txt
    chown <APP_USER>:<APP_GROUP> /opt/collabnet/teamforge/var/etc/sflicense.txt

    Change the values of <APP_USER> and <APP_GROUP> with the values of APP_USER and APP_GROUP tokens respectively from the /opt/collabnet/teamforge/runtime/conf/runtime-options.conf file.

View License Information

You can obtain a summary of the license information from the License Info page.

The License Info page provides you with all the basic information about the licenses you purchased for your TeamForge site. This includes details such as the number of TeamForge licenses you had obtained, how many you have used, expiration date and so on.

  1. Go to My Workspace > Admin.
  2. Select LICENSE INFO from the Projects menu.