Use this command to retrieve all information for a device. This returns an XML string.
XML Attributes
Attribute name | Type | Description |
added | string | True if device was added to device manager |
agent | int | Agent port number or -1 if not available |
audio | string | Audio support (false\true values) |
buildnumber | double | OS build number |
category | string | Device type (phone, tablet, etc.) |
host | string | Device host |
location | string | Agent location |
manufacture | string | Manufacturer name |
model | string | Model identifier |
modelname | string | Model name |
name | string | Device name |
os | string | Device OS |
remote | string | Remote or local device |
reservedtoyou | string | Is device currently reserved to user |
screensize | string | Screen size |
serialnumber | string | Device's Serialnumber |
status | string | Current status of device (unreserved offline, unreserved online, reserved online, etc.) |
used | string | True if device is currently taken |
version | string | Device full operating system version (build number inclusive) |
versionnumber | double | Device full operating system version (build number exclusive) |
emulator | string | True if device is emulator |
dhmexteranlhost | string | Device Host Machine's external host |
dhmexternalport | string | Device Host Machine's external port |
dhminternalhost | string | Device Host Machine's internal host |
dhminternalport | string | Device Host Machine's internal port |
dhmlocation | string | Location of host machine (for example, local) |
dhmname | string | Device Host Machine's name |
Replace <server> with the appropriate URL.
- Public Continuous Testing Cloud -
- Dedicated Continuous Testing Cloud environment - Your own domain. For example:
- On-premises Continuous Testing Cloud environment - Your designated URL. For example:
DesiredCapabilities dc = new DesiredCapabilities();
driver = new AndroidDriver(new URL("<server>"), dc);
seetest = new SeeTestClient(driver);
dc.setCapability(MobileCapabilityType.UDID, "deviceid");
//Command displays Device information