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Use this command to retrieve all information for a device. This returns an XML string.

XML Attributes

Attribute nameTypeDescription
addedstringTrue if device was added to device manager
agentintAgent port number or -1 if not available
audiostringAudio support (false\true values)
buildnumberdoubleOS build number
categorystringDevice type (phone, tablet, etc.)
hoststringDevice host
locationstringAgent location
manufacturestringManufacturer name
modelstringModel identifier
modelnamestringModel name
namestringDevice name
osstringDevice OS
remotestringRemote or local device
reservedtoyoustringIs device currently reserved to user
screensizestringScreen size
serialnumberstringDevice's Serialnumber
statusstringCurrent status of device

(unreserved offline, unreserved online, reserved online, etc.)
usedstringTrue if device is currently taken
versionstringDevice full operating system version (build number inclusive)
versionnumberdoubleDevice full operating system version (build number exclusive)
emulatorstringTrue if device is emulator
dhmexteranlhoststringDevice Host Machine's external host
dhmexternalportstringDevice Host Machine's external port
dhminternalhoststringDevice Host Machine's internal host
dhminternalportstringDevice Host Machine's internal port
dhmlocationstringLocation of host machine (for example, local)
dhmnamestringDevice Host Machine's name



Replace <server> with the appropriate URL.


DesiredCapabilities dc = new DesiredCapabilities();
driver = new AndroidDriver(new URL("<server>"), dc);
seetest = new SeeTestClient(driver);
dc.setCapability(MobileCapabilityType.UDID, "deviceid");


//Command displays Device information