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Use this command to get specific application info, given a key parameter for the requested information.

These types of information are supported for both platforms:

  • Application version number.
  • Application build number.


BundleIdStringApplication package name.
KeyStringThe requested info key name.

These are valid for iOS and Android:

* releaseVersion - The application version.

* versionName - The application release build number. 

In iOS , CFBundleShortVersionString can also be used instead of versionName.

CFBundleVersion can also be used instead of releaseVersion

In Android. versionCode can also be used instead of releaseVersion.

iOS Additional Application Information

In addition to the application version number and the application build number, in iOS you can get additional application information.

This feature is only supported for primitive types, for example, objects whose value type is NSString, NSNumber, or NSDate.

Some commonly used properties are MinimumOSVersion, DTSDKName, and CFBundleDevelopmentVersion.

You can find more properties by inspecting the info.plist file in the application IPA.



Replace <server> with the appropriate URL.



DesiredCapabilities dc = new DesiredCapabilities();
dc.setCapability(MobileCapabilityType.UDID, "<deviceid>");
driver = new AndroidDriver(new URL("<server>"), dc);
client = new SeeTestClient(driver);

//Get Version name of the application name ... For Android