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SeeTest Client - Sync


Please note that this tool is classified as a Legacy tool. We recommend transitioning to our updated solutions to maintain optimal performance and security in your workflows. For more information on this matter, please reach out to technical support .

boolean sync (SilentTime, Sensitivity, Timeout)


Waits for the screen to become silent, works on the visual level of the screen.


  • SilentTime: The time for the screen to be silent.
  • Sensitivity: 0 - sensitive to every change, 100 - not sensitive to changes.
  • Timeout: Waiting Timeout in milliseconds if page is still not silent.


Scenario: In this example we will load the CNN page on facebook. We will use the Sync command to wait for the new page to load. 


  • SilentTime: will be set to 2000 - 2 seconds

  • Sensitivity: will be set to 0 - maximum sensitivity to changes

  • Timeout: will be set to 10000 - 10 seconds

Result: Once the Loading wheel disappears we will move to the next command on the script. If the loading wheel does not disappear in 10 seconds the command will timeout and the script will resume. 

Code Examples

Java Example

if(client.sync(2000, 0, 10000)){
// If statement

C# Example Expand source

if(client.Sync(2000, 0, 10000))
// If statement

VBScript Example Expand source

If StrComp (client.Sync ( 2000, 0, 10000 ), "True") = 0 Then
'If statement
End If

Python Example Expand source

if(self.client.sync(2000, 0, 10000)):
# If statement

Perl Example Expand source

if($client->sync(2000, 0, 10000)){
# If statement