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SeeTest Client - GetDeviceLog


Please note that this tool is classified as a Legacy tool. We recommend transitioning to our updated solutions to maintain optimal performance and security in your workflows. For more information on this matter, please reach out to technical support .



The device log will be downloaded to the directory where the report is located. In the report, the link to the device log is added. You can configure the GetDeviceLog command by the timeout from app property: "ios.device.log.timeout".

This is supported in iOS only.


  • Name: ios.device.log.timeout
  • Value: time (in milliseconds)


The default time out of getting the device log is 300,000 milliseconds (5 minutes), it could be configured by the user by adding the property: ios.device.log.timeout to the app property file with the relevant time out in millisecond.

For example, Add this line to the app property for the configure time out of 2 minutes: ios.device.log.timeout=120000

Code Examples

Java Example

String str4 = client.getDeviceLog();

C# Example Expand source

string str4 = client.GetDeviceLog();

VBScript Example Expand source

str9 = client.GetDeviceLog (  )

Python Example Expand source

var4 = self.client.getDeviceLog()

Perl Example Expand source

my $str4 = $client->getDeviceLog();