SeeTest Client - ReceiveIncomingSMS
Please note that this tool is classified as a Legacy tool. We recommend transitioning to our updated solutions to maintain optimal performance and security in your workflows. For more information on this matter, please reach out to technical support .
**ReceiveIncomingSMS (**FromNumber, Msg)
Initiate sending of SMS to be received by the device
FromNumber - The phone number that the message will appear to arrive from (5+ character).
Msg - The message text (5+ character).
To use telephony features (receiving calls and SMS), the Cloud Admin must have configured and activated a telephony account. This is done in the Device Policies -> Telephony web UI page.
Code Examples
Java Example
client.receiveIncomingSMS("123456", "Test Message");
C# Example Expand source
client.ReceiveIncomingSMS("123456", "Test Message");
VBScript Example Expand source
client.ReceiveIncomingSMS("123456", "Test Message")
Python Example Expand source
self.client.receiveIncomingSMS("123456", "Test Message")
Perl Example Expand source
$client->receiveIncomingSMS("123456", "Test Message");