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Setting Up a Sprint or Iteration TeamRoom

This article explains how to setup a Sprint or Iteration in a Teamroom.

Follow these instructions to configure your TeamRoom if your team works in regular iterations or sprints (e.g., classic Scrum or XP). This set up shows sprint-based metrics that indicate how well your team is performing in the sprint.

Step 1. Creating a New TeamRoom

To create and configure a TeamRoom, your project role must be "Project Lead" or higher for the top-level project assigned to the TeamRoom.

  1. Click the hamburger menu Hamburger iconRooms > All TeamRooms.
  2. Click Add TeamRoom on the right-hand side of the page.
  3. In the Add TeamRoom window, enter or select the team configuration options.
  4. Add a description for the TeamRoom, if required.
  5. Click Save.

Step 2. Configuring TeamRoom Properties (Optional)

You can customize an existing TeamRoom to reflect the team it represents. Note that customizations apply only to TeamRoom, not the project as they do in the Sprint Tracking boards. This is useful when two teams working on the same project want to use different WIP limits on their storyboards.

  1. Click the hamburger menu Hamburger iconRooms > All TeamRooms.

  2. On the TeamRooms page, click the name of the TeamRoom you want to configure.

  3. Click the gear icon Analytics Gear Icon next to the TeamRoom name.

  4. In the Edit TeamRoom Properties page, change the team configuration options as needed, and click Save.

    • See field descriptions in Creating a TeamRoom above.

Step 3. Adding or Removing a TeamRoom Mascot

Following these steps, you can add a mascot to create a unique identity for your TeamRoom.

  1. Click the hamburger menu Hamburger iconRooms > All TeamRooms.

  2. Click the name of the TeamRoom you want to configure.

  3. Click the gear icon next to the TeamRoom name.

  4. In the Edit TeamRoom Properties page, click Mascot on the left-side menu.

  5. On the Add a Mascot page, click Browse to select the image you want to upload. Note that the file must be saved in .jpg or .png format and must be smaller than 2 MB. To avoid distortion, keep your image as close to square as possible. The system will automatically resize the image to 96 x 96 pixels.

    • To remove an existing mascot, click Remove.

Step 4. Adding Members to the TeamRoom

Your TeamRoom is not complete without members. Follow these steps to add members.

  1. Click the hamburger menu Hamburger iconRooms > All TeamRooms.

  2. Click the name of the TeamRoom.

  3. Click the gear icon next to the TeamRoom name.

  4. Click Membership in the left-side menu.

  5. In the Unassigned Members list, click the Add button next to each member you want to add to the TeamRoom.

    • Click Assign Members To Project at the bottom of the page.
    • In the Members window, select new members, define their new project roles, and click Save to add the selected members.

Step 5. Installing and Managing TeamRoom Plugins (Optional)

Plugins are a dynamic way of adding optional capabilities into a specific TeamRoom. Plugins are registered with your instance then installed in a TeamRoom. By default, Agility ships with a Web Panel plugin.

Installing a Plugin

  1. Click the hamburger menu Hamburger iconRooms > All TeamRooms.

  2. Click the name of the TeamRoom.

  3. Click the gear icon Analytics Gear Icon next to the TeamRoom name.

  4. Click Plugins on the left-side menu.

  5. In the Available Plugins section, hover over a plugin, and then click Install.

  6. Enter the required information, and then click OK.

    • Note that you can install the multiple Web Panels (e.g., if you want to show a team calendar in one panel and a retrospective commitment page in another, you would install two Web Panel plugins).

Configuring an Existing Plugin

  1. Click the hamburger menu Hamburger iconRooms > All TeamRooms.

  2. Click the name of the TeamRoom.

  3. Click the gear icon Admin-Icon next to the TeamRoom name.

  4. Click Plugins in the left-side menu.

  5. In the Installed Plugins section, hover over a plugin, and then click Configure.

  6. Enter the required information, and then click OK.

    • Note that you can install the multiple Web Panels (e.g., if you want to show a team calendar in one panel and a retrospective commitment page in another, you would install two Web Panel plugins).

Step 6. Enabling CommitStream (Optional)

Before CommitStream details can be added to the TeamRoom, a system administrator must enable CommitStream in your Agility instance. Once enabled, click on the CommitStream panel in the TeamRoom. Refer to CommitStream for additional information.