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Metrics Available on Sprint or Iteration Scheduling Page

This artilc explains the metrics available on Sprint or Iteration scheduling page.


Sprint or Iteration specific metrics are available in two locations on the Sprint or Iteration Scheduling page.

Sprint or Iterations Metrics

On the left side of the page we see the following metrics for each Sprint or Iteration:

Planned - This number indicates the total estimate for backlog items in the sprint or iteration at the end of the first day of the sprint or iteration. After the first day (Begin Date) of the sprint or iteration, there will be a small lock icon next to this value. This icon indicates that the value is fixed and will no longer change when you add or remove backlog items from the sprint or iteration.

Completed - This number indicates the total estimate for backlog items that were completed, based on Reporting Categories, or closed in the sprint or iteration.

Difference - The third number is the difference between Planned and Completed.

You can expand the Sprint or Iteration container using the '+' icon to see the same metrics for each team owning Backlog Items in the sprint or iteration.

Selected Sprint or Iteration Metrics

On the right, at the top of the Backlog Grid for the selected Sprint or Iteration or Team.

The following metrics are visible in this control:

Planned - This number indicates the total amount of work in the backlog for the selected sprint or iteration or team at the end of the first day of the sprint or iteration. After the first day of the selected sprint or iteration, there will be a small lock icon next to this value. This icon indicates that the value is fixed and will no longer change when you add or remove backlog items from the sprint or iteration or team.

Target - The Target number defaults to the Iteration Target Estimate, when All Teams are viewed. However, when a Team is selected, this value will default based on the Target Estimate value for that Team. Target can also be temporarily overridden for the duration of the planning session, if the Team decides to change the default number for that sprint or iteration. This temporary number is not persisted in your records for that sprint or iteration after the planning session.

Velocity - This number represents the average Velocity for the selected sprint or iteration or team, for the past 6 sprints or iterations.

The progress bar at the bottom provides visibility into how close you are to your target. The orange vertical line represents your desired target and the progress bar fill represents planned work. This bar remain green until you reach the target then it becomes red. This is only an indicator that your selected target has been exceeded; it is not necessarily a bad thing.